Veronica.27s Years as Public Broadcaster .281976-1995.29 Veronica (media)

elco brinkman operating high striker celebrate opening of veronica s headquarters in hilversum, august 1987

the association resulted pirate radio station, radio veronica, broadcast ship on international waters off coast of netherlands between 1959 , 1974. wave appearing in logo hearkens time. name veronica derivation of abbreviation vron (vrije radio omroep nederland / free radio broadcasting station netherlands).

after pirate-activities became legally impossible (31 august 1974), veronica transformed veronica broadcasting association (veronica omroep organisatie, short voo), enabling gain legal radio , television license within public broadcasting system. got licence on 28 december 1975. first television broadcast of veronica on 21 april 1976. within decade became 1 of largest public broadcasters , trademark tested being more popular coca-cola.


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