Gorint.C5.8D Japanese pagoda

a gorintō

the gorintō (五輪塔, lit. 5 ring tower) pagoda found in japan , believed have been first adopted shingon , tendai sects during mid heian period. used tomb marker or cenotaph, , therefore common sight in buddhist temples , cemeteries. called gorinsotōba (五輪卒塔婆) ( five-ringed stupa ) or goringedatsu (五輪解脱), term sotoba transliteration of sanskrit word stupa.

in variations, gorintō made of 5 blocks (although number can difficult detect), each having 1 of 5 shapes symbolize of 5 elements believed basic building blocks of reality: earth (cube), water (sphere), fire (pyramid), air (crescent), , ether, energy, or void (lotus). last 2 rings (air , ether) visually , conceptually united single subgroup.

media related gorintō @ wikimedia commons

^ jaanus - gorintou
^ cite error: named reference ik invoked never defined (see page).


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