Protagonists List of Wicked characters
1 protagonists
1.1 elphaba elphie thropp
1.2 liir thropp
1.3 brrr - cowardly lion
1.4 oziandra rain thropp
elphaba elphie thropp
the protagonist of first book, elphaba green-skinned girl later becomes known wicked witch of west. birth shocking parents, melena thropp , frexspar godly, in addition green skin had razor sharp teeth (she bites finger off of midwife moments after birth) melena refuses breast feed her. father, union minister, believes fault , elphaba’s condition punishment unnamed god. attends shiz university meets glinda and, although don’t on @ first, become close friends. rescues cowardly lion cub science experiment. runs away emerald city join resistance group against wizard. animal rights activist, elphaba involved in assassination attempt on madame morrible. shares illicit relationship fiyero, death causes abandon revolutionary ideals. later joins mauntery apparently gives birth fiyero’s illegitimate son liir, before leaving travel kiamo ko castle in vinkus. there hopes beg forgiveness fiyero’s wife sarima unsuccessful. instead finds grimmerie, book of magic, , hones sorcery skills. apparently killed dorothy when girl throws bucket of water on extinguish dress fire. apparent death never made clear 2 people witnesses it; dorothy when questioned in out of oz says blinded acrid smoke unsure of happen; , nanny checked parapet locked door. afterwards nanny heard asking if elphaba coming down out of room, though of characters pass off senility. however, when rain questions saw, tells quite forcefully none of business. there chapter @ end of out of oz cryptic survival. glinda, locked in southstair prison, has prison door opened recognises friend, , says ‘you wicked thing’. named after saint aelphaba of waterfall father. elphaba acquires nickname wicked witch of west more because of sister s nickname (the wicked witch of east, named political opponents) , not wicked deeds. elphaba s name derived sounding out initials of oz author l. frank baum s name. later referred in book witch. late in book revealed daughter of wizard. in original broadway production of musical, played idina menzel. in musical revealed faked death in order fiyero.
liir thropp
the protagonist of second book, liir child leaves mauntery elphaba vinkus. implied liir son of elphaba , fiyero, , referred such. indeed admit there year of life not remember, during have given birth liir. extremely chubby, liir plays supposed half-siblings while , elphaba stay fiyero s widow. @ end of wicked stated intends find way of rescuing half-sister nor slavery. protagonist of maguire s sequel wicked, son of witch. in book, liir found near death , brought mauntery. here quadling girl named candle charged looking after him. while in coma, relives life elphaba’s death, when spent many years member of emerald city home guard. changes name liir ko avoid unwanted attention. impregnates candle, has sex him in attempt warm cold body, results in birth of green baby. proves liir indeed son of elphaba , fiyero. gregory maguire has described liir elphaba s bastard son in interviews. s revealed in son of witch liir bisexual , pines male lover, trism; despite this, liir chooses stay candle out of apparent devotion. liir gifted ability see past; has many lucid dreams during course of adventure in sees past events have happened within area occupying. later uses ability, along candle’s musical talent , ability read present, release princess nastoya human disguise, returning elephant. ironically in out of oz mombey has him turned elephant in order smuggle him munchkinland. threatens leave him way unless helps use grimmerie attack on emerald city. spell later broken rain.
brrr - cowardly lion
the protagonist of third book, brrr lion cub saved science experiment in life sciences class elphaba. grows become famous cowardly lion, 1 of dorothy s eventual companions. protagonist of lion among men, , major character in out of oz. past explored during interview yackle in mauntery of saint glinda. grew alone in great gillikin forest no apparent memory of parents. meets soldier named jemsey has been caught in trap , learns art of conversation. when soldier dies, due brrr’s inability see seriousness of situation, brrr leaves forest in attempt return jemseys medal of courage father in tenniken. ends in wrong town, traum, involved in riot involving trolls glikkus. plays dead in order escape situation causes trolls follow suit , end being arrested. act earns nickname cowardly lion. brrr explores of oz , gets involved in various exploits land him in prison. emperor make deal if can find grimmerie, slate wiped clean. leads him interview yackle, after learns truth , emperor’s intentions book. joins company of clock of time dragon, , remains them through out of oz. enters ‘’marriage’’ illianora , becomes father figure rain. @ end of out of oz, becomes throne minister of oz, first animal hold position in long time (an event rain thinks elphaba happy see).
oziandra rain thropp
the protagonist of fourth book, rain liir , candle s daughter. liir not, @ first, convinced child s father. after returning apple press farm, discovers candle telling truth. after cleaning green , baby revealed emerald green of color, trait passed down liir s mother, elphaba. while child s name not stated in novel, upcoming fourth installment out of oz has rain central character. first introduced broom girl glinda @ mockbeggar hall , skin shown being white not green, liir later reveals had enchantment place upon hide in plain sight. cherrystones teaches read during occupation of hall , figures out identity. glinda refuses hand on and, rains help, sabotages cherrystones dragon fleet on lake restwater spell grimmerie ‘calls winter onto water’. glinda escapes hall rain , hands on lion , illianora, along book. rain travels clock of time dragon quadling country reunited parents, in hiding. candle reveals real name oziandra osqa ami during first meeting. befriends rice otter names tay, after qua ati word te meaning friend. rain later attends st prowds school in shiz, decision made parents separate grimmerie in order protect identity once again. changes name rainary ko , nor poses mother in order gain admission school. while staying @ school meets tip , 2 develop feelings each other. @ end of out of oz she, ozmists, breaks spell on father, tip , herself, turning father elephant, tip ozma, , herself green again.
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