Militant activity Ansarullah Bangla Team

1 militant activity

1.1 murders
1.2 ashulia bank robbery
1.3 arrests

militant activity

the abt claimed responsibility of prominent murders , attacks of atheist bloggers, including ahmed rajib haider, asif mohiuddin, avijit roy, oyasiqur rahman, ananta bijoy das , akm shafiul islam.

ashulia bank robbery

the abt implicated in bank robbery of branch of bangladesh commerce bank limited in ashulia of savar on april 21, 2015. robbery started @ 3 pm, when 8-10 people entered bank brandishing guns. according witness reports, tried take tk. 5 lakhs (us$6,400 of june 2015) while holding bank officials hostage @ gunpoint. however, of officials obstructed robbers, stabbed, injuring 5 of 3 succumbed injuries in medical care:

a bank manager,
a security officer and
a bank customer.

however, @ point, locals outside used nearby mosque loudspeakers announce bank robbery. robbers heard announcements , started violently fleeing area, using several rounds of shots, hurling molotov cocktails , grenades. sudden outburst injured 20 people; 3 of whom died after hospital admission, 2 later while receiving treatment @ around 8:30 pm , 1 more person on next night.

the robbers divided , fled scene, on foot , on motorcycles. mob formed , caught 2 robbers on 1 bike , robber in area. in mass beating of 2 caught, mob killed 1 , hospitalised other – later succumbed injuries. police attempted recover robbers led clash , 2 police vehicles being vandalised. arrival of police backup put situation under control , robbers captured.

a total of 9 people either killed or succumbed injuries sustained, , @ least 14 others @ injured bullet-wounds weapons used robbers. interrogation of captured robber(s) led arrest of more suspects; police found several of robbers members of abt.


the following arrests made of speculated or confirmed abt members of 1 june 2015.

^ hossain, nadim (april 21, 2015). 8 killed in ashulia bank robbery . dhaka tribune. retrieved june 2, 2015. 
^ 1 more die in ashulia bank robbery incident . dhaka tribune. april 24, 2015. retrieved june 2, 2015. 
^ dhruba, golam mujtaba (june 1, 2015). police analyse robber s blueprints of bangladesh commerce bank . retrieved june 2, 2015. 
^ cite error: named reference 4-arrested-attempted-murder invoked never defined (see page).
^ cite error: named reference ds15mar2013 invoked never defined (see page).
^ bkash agent hacked death . march 10, 2015. retrieved june 2, 2015. 


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