People.27s Republic of China LGBT history in China

during evaluation of amendment of marriage law in chinese mainland in 2003, there first discussion same-sex marriage. though issue rejected, first time item of gay rights discussed in china. however, not long before new marriage law went effect, officer stated in press conference same-sex marriage still forbidden in china, on august 19, 2003.

li yinhe (李銀河), sociologist , sexologist known in chinese gay community, has tried legalize same-sex marriage several times, including during national people s congress in 2000 , 2004 (legalization chinese same-sex marriage, 《中国同性婚姻合法化》 in 2000 , chinese same-sex marriage bill, 《中国同性婚姻提案》 in 2004). according chinese law, 35 delegates signatures needed make issue bill discussed in congress. efforts failed due lack of support delegates. many scholars gay , lesbians believe difficult pass such law in china in near future.

during 2006 national people s congress , again in 2007, li proposed same-sex marriage bill again. gay web sites called members sign petitions in support of bill. bill dismissed both times.

in july 2015, many gay users of sina weibo used microblogging service discuss obergefell v. hodges ruling in us, issues coming out parents, , articles in people s daily on gay men.

on january 5, 2016, court in changsha, southern hunan province, agreed hear lawsuit of 26-year-old sun wenlin filed in december 2015 against furong district civil affairs bureau june 2015 refusal of right register marry 36-year-old male partner, hu mingliang. on april 13, 2016, hundreds of gay marriage supporters outside, changsha court ruled against sun, vowed appeal, citing importance of case lgbt progress in china. on may 17, 2016, sun , hu married in private ceremony in changsha, expressing intention organize 99 lgbt weddings across country in order normalize gay marriage in china.


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