Presidents European Physical Society


2017–present: rüdiger voss (germany)
2015–17: c. rossel (switzerland)
2013–15: john m. dudley (france)
2011–13: l. cifarelli (italy)
2009–11: m. kolwas (poland)
2007–9: f. wagner (germany)
2005–7: o. poulsen (denmark)
2003–5: m.c.e. huber (switzerland)
2001–3: m. ducloy (france)
1999–2001: arnold wolfendale (united kingdom)
1997–99: denis weaire (ireland)
1995–97: herwig schopper (germany)
1993–95: n. kroo (hungary)
1991–93: m. jacob (switzerland)
1988–91: r.a. ricci (italy)
1986–88: w. buckel (germany)
1984–86: g.h. stafford (united kingdom)
1982–84: jacques friedel (france)
1980–82: a.r. mackintosh (denmark)
1978–80: antonino zichichi (italy)
1976–78: i. ursu (romania)
1972–76: h.b.g. casimir (the netherlands)
1970–72: erik gustav rydberg (sweden)
1968–70: g. bernardini (italy)


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