The March Detroit Walk to Freedom

1 march

1.1 marched
1.2 route of march
1.3 speeches

1.3.1 martin luther king’s speech

the march
who marched

many prominent people, known locally , nationally, lead walk freedom. detroit council human rights: rev. c. l. franklin, father of famous singer aretha franklin , chairman of dchr; rev. albert cleage, part of forming dchr; , benjamin mcfall, director of dchr. former governor of michigan john swainson, governor 1961-1962, joined mayor of detroit jerome cavanaugh, , martin luther king jr. leading march president of united auto workers (uaw) walter reuther; billie s. farnum, state auditor general. george romney, current governor of michigan, unable attend march because took place on sunday , conflicted religious practices; however, since romney supported march , cause, sent representatives walk in place.

route of march

to generate interest in walk freedom, stickers, handbills, , other advertisements spread around city event planners. march started, @ 3pm, on woodward avenue , adelaide, continued on woodward, , onto jefferson , concluded @ cobo arena , hall. songs sung, such “the battle hymn of republic , , people carried banners , signs. whole march lasted hour , half, afterwards there speeches given. @ least 125,000 people participated in march , tens of thousands packed cobo arena , surrounding area listen speeches.


many of leaders of march gave speeches. albert cleage, walter reuther, mayor cavanagh, former governor swainson, congressman charles diggs, representative of governor romney, martin luther king jr., , others gave speeches eager crowds. speech spectators looking forward 1 given martin luther king jr., , obliged them giving speech riveting speeches were.

martin luther king’s speech

some parts of detroit speech similar 1 gave in washington. in particular, end of speech longer , more detailed version of legendary “i have dream” portion of speech given 2 months later in washington.

for comparison parts of both speeches alternated below, given on left speech in detroit @ walk freedom, , given on right speech in washington.


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