Classical Ancient Greek sculpture

riace bronzes, examples of proto classic bronze sculpture, museo nazionale della magna grecia, reggio calabria

artemision bronze, thought either poseidon or zeus, c. 460 bce, national archaeological museum, athens. found fishermen off coast of cape artemisium in 1928. figure more 2 m in height.

the classical period saw revolution of greek sculpture, associated historians popular culture surrounding introduction of democracy , end of aristocratic culture associated kouroi. classical period saw changes in style , function of sculpture, along dramatic increase in technical skill of greek sculptors in depicting realistic human forms. poses became more naturalistic, notably during beginning of period. embodied in works such kritios boy (480 bc), sculpted earliest known use of contrapposta ( counterpose ), , charioteer of delphi (474 bc), demonstrates transition more naturalistic sculpture. 500 bce, greek statues began increasingly depict real people, opposed vague interpretations of myth or entirely fictional votive statues, although style in represented had not yet developed realistic form of portraiture. statues of harmodius , aristogeiton, set in athens mark overthrow of aristocratic tyranny, , have been said first public monuments show actual individuals.

the classical period saw increase in use of statues , sculptures decorations of buildings. characteristic temples of classical era, such parthenon in athens, , temple of zeus @ olympia, used relief sculpture decorative friezes, , sculpture in round fill triangular fields of pediments. difficult aesthetic , technical challenge stimulated in way of sculptural innovation. of these works survive in fragments, example parthenon marbles, half of in british museum.

funeral statuary evolved during period rigid , impersonal kouros of archaic period highly personal family groups of classical period. these monuments commonly found in suburbs of athens, in ancient times cemeteries on outskirts of city. although of them depict ideal types—the mourning mother, dutiful son—they increasingly depicted real people, typically showing departed taking dignified leave family. notable increase in level of emotion relative archaic , geometrical eras.

another notable change burgeoning of artistic credit in sculpture. entirety of information known sculpture in archaic , geometrical periods centered upon works themselves, , seldom, if ever, on sculptors. examples include phidias, known have overseen design , building of parthenon, , praxiteles, nude female sculptures first considered artistically respectable. praxiteles aphrodite of knidos, survives in copies, referenced , praised pliny elder.

lysistratus said have been first use plaster molds taken living people produce lost-wax portraits, , have developed technique of casting existing statues. came family of sculptors , brother, lysippos of sicyon, produced fifteen hundred statues in career.

the statue of zeus @ olympia , statue of athena parthenos (both chryselephantine , executed phidias or under direction, , considered greatest of classical sculptures), lost, although smaller copies (in other materials) , descriptions of both still exist. size , magnificence prompted rivals seize them in byzantine period, , both removed constantinople, later destroyed.


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