Revelation Jewish principles of faith

1 revelation

1.1 scripture
1.2 moses , torah
1.3 origin of torah
1.4 words of prophets true
1.5 oral torah


the hebrew bible or tanakh jewish scriptural canon , central source of jewish law. word acronym formed initial hebrew letters of 3 traditional subdivisions of tanakh: torah ( teaching , known 5 books of moses or pentateuch), nevi im ( prophets ) , ketuvim ( writings ). tanakh contains 24 books in all; authoritative version masoretic text. traditionally, text of tanakh said have been finalized @ council of jamnia in 70 ce, although uncertain. in judaism, term torah refers not 5 books of moses, of jewish scriptures (the whole of tanakh), , ethical , moral instructions of rabbis (the oral torah).

in addition tanakh, there 2 further textual traditions in judaism: mishnah (tractates expounding on jewish law) , talmud (commentary of misneh , torah). these both codifications , redactions of jewish oral traditions , major works in rabbinic judaism.

the talmud consists of babylonian talmud (produced in babylon around 600 ce) , jerusalem talmud (produced in land of israel circa 400 ce). babylonian talmud more extensive of 2 , considered more important. talmud re-presentation of torah through sustained analysis , argument unfolding dialogue , contention between rabbinic sages. talmud consists of mishnah (a legal code) , gemara (aramaic learning ), analysis , commentary code. rabbi adin steinsaltz writes if bible cornerstone of judaism, talmud central pillar ... no other work has had comparable influence on theory , practice of jewish life, shaping influence on theory , practice of jewish life , states:

the talmud repository of thousands of years of jewish wisdom, , oral law, ancient , significant written law (the torah) finds expression therein. conglomerate of law, legend, , philosophy, blend of unique logic , shrewd pragmatism, of history , science, anecdotes , humor... although main objective interpret , comment on book of law, is, simultaneously, work of art goes beyond legislation , practical application. , although talmud is, day, primary source of jewish law, cannot cited authority purposes of ruling...

though based on principles of tradition , transmission of authority generation generation, unparalleled in eagerness question , reexamine convention , accepted views , root out underlying causes. talmudic method of discussion , demonstration tries approximate mathematical precision, without having recourse mathematical or logical symbols.

...the talmud embodiment of great concept of mitzvat talmud torah - positive religious duty of studying torah, of acquiring learning , wisdom, study own end , reward.

moses , torah

orthodox , conservative jews hold prophecy of moses held true; held chief of prophets, of came before , after him. belief expressed maimonides, wrote moses superior prophets, whether preceded him or arose afterwards. moses attained highest possible human level. perceived god degree surpassing every human ever existed....god spoke other prophets through intermediary. moses alone did not need this; torah means when god says mouth mouth, speak him. great jewish philosopher philo understands type of prophecy extraordinarily high level of philosophical understanding, had been reached moses , enabled him write torah through own rational deduction of natural law. maimonides, in commentary mishna (preface chapter chelek , tractate sanhedrin), , in mishneh torah, (in laws of foundations of torah, ch. 7), describes similar concept of prophecy, since voice did not originate body cannot exist, understanding of moses based on lofty philosophical understandings. however, not imply text of torah should understood literally, according karaism. rabbinic tradition maintains god conveyed not words of torah, meaning of torah. god gave rules how laws understood , implemented, , these passed down oral tradition. oral law passed down generation generation , written down 2,000 years later in mishna , 2 talmuds.

for reform jews, prophecy of moses not highest degree of prophecy; rather first in long chain of progressive revelations in mankind gradually began understand of god better , better. such, maintain laws of moses no longer binding, , today s generation must assess god wants of them. principle rejected reconstructionist jews, different reason; posit god not being will; maintain no can revealed.

the origin of torah

the torah composed of 5 books called in english genesis, exodus, leviticus, numbers, , deuteronomy. chronicle history of hebrews , contain commandments jews follow.

rabbinic judaism holds torah extant today same 1 given moses god on mount sinai. maimonides explains: not know how torah transmitted moses. when transmitted, moses merely wrote down secretary taking dictation....[thus] every verse in torah equally holy, originate god, , part of god s torah, perfect, holy , true.

haredi jews believe torah today no different received god moses, minor of scribal errors. many other orthodox jews suggest on millennia, scribal errors have crept torah s text. note masoretes (7th 10th centuries) compared known torah variations in order create definitive text. however, according position scrolls jews possess today not letter-perfect, torah scrolls word-perfect textus receptus divinely revealed moses. indeed, consensus of orthodox rabbinic authority posits belief in word-perfect nature of torah scroll representing non-negotiable prerequisite orthodox jewish membership. although in modern orthodox circles there rabbis (e.g. professor marc shapiro) point out numerous rabbinic sources talmudic, post-talmudic, , medieval ages claim there changes text, include whole verses, made deliberately during mishnaic era, , during times of first temple. professor shapiro lists many medieval rabbis discuss changes , additions occurred during time of ezra scribe in work limits of orthodox theology: maimonides thirteen principles reappraised .

the words of prophets true

the nevi im, books of prophets, considered divine , true. not imply read literally: jewish tradition has held prophets used metaphors , analogies, , there many commentaries explaining , elucidating metaphorical verses.

oral torah

many orthodox jews view written , oral torah same moses taught, practical purposes. conservative jews tend believe of oral law divinely inspired, while reform , reconstructionist jews tend view of oral law entirely human creation. traditionally, reform movement held jews obliged obey ethical not ritual commandments of scripture, although today many reform jews have adopted many traditional ritual practices. karaite jews traditionally consider written torah authoritative, viewing oral law 1 possible interpretation of written torah.

most modern orthodox jews agree that, while laws within oral law given moses, of talmudic laws derived organically rabbis of mishnaic , talmudic eras.


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