Construction of the building George Washington Masonic National Memorial

1 construction of building

1.1 building foundation
1.2 laying of cornerstone
1.3 construction milestones
1.4 dedication

construction of building
building foundation

given size , weight of memorial, in design stages, solid foundation structure critical. initial test borehole shooter s hill (which reached depth of 200 feet (61 m)) found no bedrock, leading concerns site might not suitable location building. daniel e. moran, foundation engineer, further investigated earth beneath building. moran drilled 125 feet (38 m) below lowest point of foundation, , found gravel, hard clay, , sand. soil experts in new york city , united states geological survey analyzed soil, , provided guarantee (backed bond) no settling of building occur due soil conditions.

ground memorial broken @ noon on june 5, 1922. louis watres, president of association, , charles h. callahan, vice president, broke ground in driving rain. shovel , pick used break ground, 4 small stones first 2 spades of earth turned, preserved alexandria-washington lodge. excavation of memorial s foundation began few days later, cranford paving co. of washington, d.c., doing work. foundation hemispherical provide greatest stability, , 25 feet (7.6 m) of top of hill removed (lowering elevation 108 feet (33 m)) in order accommodate 177-foot (54 m) wide 195-foot (59 m) long foundation. ensure clay remained damp (and did not dry out, cause building settle), concrete pad 168 248 feet (51 76 m) laid on top of clay. pad 9 feet (2.7 m) deep in center 6.5 feet (2.0 m) deep on edges, , consisted of 9,000 cubic yards (6,900 m) of concrete , 720 short tons (650 t) of reinforcing steel rods. pad allowed set several months before work began on foundation itself. basement of building large first 2 floors combined, , intended house structure s mechanical plant. although steam shovels used excavate foundation, earth carried away mule-drawn wagons. wide road constructed top of shooter s hill permit transport of earth off site , construction materials hilltop.

by july 1922, gwmnma had received $700,000 in donations , $900,000 in pledges. time in spring of 1922, gwmnma obtained title 32-acre (13 ha) tract encompassing rest of shooter s hill. 22 acres (8.9 ha) of tract, valued @ $1 million, purchased city of alexandria @ no cost (essentially making gift city). total size of tract owned masons 36 acres (15 ha).

by january 1923 foundation completed , granite walls first floor rising. work proceeded rapidly through june. february 1923, $1 million had been spent on constructing foundation , walls , on landscaping. topsoil landscaping came earl strong co. of alexandria, grass seed o.m. scotts , sons of ohio, , other trees, shrubs, , landscaping products c.f. armiger of washington, d.c. revenues exceeded these expenditures, $1.8 million had been received in donations , pledges. same month, gwmnma expanded board of directors 9 12. april 1923, foundation had been excavated , foundation walls constructed. washington post reported concrete foundation largest ever cast in single piece. foundation (of articulate girder design) 39,000 square feet (3,600 m) in size, 4.5 9 feet (1.4 2.7 m) thick, , contained 9,000 cubic yards (6,900 m) of concrete. plows pulled mules had reshaped side of hill terraced form, , of landscaping done. total cash donations received april 1923 totaled more $1 million. concrete first floor poured in june 1923, , once had set 8 green 20 short tons (18 t) granite marble columns in atrium set in place. each green marble column 40.5 feet (12.3 m) high , 2.5 feet (0.76 m) in diameter when finished. prevent columns twisting or slipping, mortise , tenon used. mortise approximately 3 feet (0.91 m) deep created in floor, , tenon carved on bottom of column base. small amount of mortar, mixed small flat discs of metal, used fix tenon mortise. between base , first drum (or section of column), between drums, , between top drum , capital placed wedge-shaped thin sheets of lead inhibit slippage. october 15, first floor , granite outer walls complete.

laying of cornerstone

laying of cornerstone of george washington masonic national memorial in alexandria, virginia, on november 1, 1923.

laying of memorial s cornerstone occurred on november 1, 1923. planners had proposed cornerstone laid on november 4, 1923—the 170th anniversary of george washington s initiation freemasonry. because november 4 fell on sunday in 1923, ceremony scheduled november 1. ceremony did not occur. short time before event, contractors discovered cornerstone memorial had been cut small. new cornerstone fashioned , completed in time. alexandria mayor william allen smoot declared holiday, , businesses closed except banks , u.s. post office. united states navy light cruiser uss richmond , u.s. navy destroyer anchored @ alexandria torpedo factory part of festivities. trains ran every 3 minutes city of alexandria in order accommodate crowds.

an estimated 14,000 masons, dignitaries, united states armed forces personnel, police, , others marched in parade alexandria waterfront shooter s hill kick off event. during parade, 4 united states army air corps planes circled overhead. among dignitaries present @ 1:00 p.m. cornerstone-laying event president calvin coolidge, now-chief justice of united states william howard taft, virginia governor elbert lee trinkle, , alexandria mayor smoot. charles h. callahan master of ceremonies, , rt. rev. james edward freeman, bishop of episcopal diocese of washington, provided invocation , benediction. president coolidge laid cornerstone using same trowel washington used on september 18, 1793, lay cornerstone of u.s. capitol building (the trowel owned alexandria-washington lodge). loudspeakers used broadcast speeches of president coolidge , other speakers crowd, , temporary radio station (operated radio station wcap) set on shooter s hill broadcast proceedings nationwide. (both loudspeakers , temporary radio station same president warren g. harding had used during laying of cornerstone lincoln memorial.)

every u.s. state deposited item cornerstone. other items deposited in cornerstone american flag; bronze medal celebrating inauguration of warren g. harding; bronze plaque containing names of architects, consulting architects, landscape architects, engineers, , contractors working on memorial; christian bible; lambskin apron; copy of william joseph williams 1794 portrait of george washington in masonic regalia; several books , pamphlets concerning life of washington , history of freemasonry in america; , names of board of directors , officers of gwmnma. beneath cornerstone container, held several dimes, copies of constitution, copies of declaration of independence, books, , other items.

construction milestones

construction proceeded after cornerstone laid. because construction stopped every winter ensure memorial remained free of moisture, frost damage, , effects of cooling (to improve fit between stones). helmle & corbett architectural firm did extensive study of stone buildings in europe, , determined working during weather best way construct durable building. during 1923, gwmnma raised $500,000 in cash donations, brought total received $2 million. granite memorial came quarries in new hampshire, , provided maine & new hampshire granite corp. of these blocks as 20 feet (6.1 m) long.

by time of gwmnma s annual meeting in february 1924, construction on first floor complete. first 5 terraces above street (the lower terrace ) built using potomac bluestone walls, while walks graveled. topmost sixth terrace (the upper terrace , encircled building , main entrance) constructed conway pink granite base. base 13.875 feet (4.229 m) high , 3.33 feet (1.01 m) thick. upper portion of wall concrete. more 2,200 cubic yards (1,700 m) of concrete , 60 short tons (54 t) of steel reinforcing bars used in part of wall. gwmnma believed second floor finished end of construction season in fall of 1924, , entire structure done late 1927 or 1928. association decided statue of washington should placed in memorial atrium, , statue should marble copy of jean-antoine houdon s 1788 statue of george washington (which stood in rotunda of virginia state capitol in richmond). in may 1924, gwmnma resodded terrace , spent $6,000 on new gateway , entrance memorial @ foot of shooter s hill.

a damaged column donated local veterans group create memorial world war veterans near gwmnm.

the 1924 construction year ended in december installation of 8 green marble columns (each weighing 11 18 short tons (10.0 16.3 t)) in first floor atrium. each column 18 feet (5.5 m) high , 4.5 feet (1.4 m) in diameter, , arrived @ alexandria s union station train redstone, new hampshire. 1 columnar section damaged, , given ladies auxiliary of veterans of foreign wars (vfw). vfw turned memorial american war dead, , erected in front of alexandria s union station. in december 1924, estimated building complete in 3 6 years.

work on building slowed in 1925 due difficult nature of completing roof , raising tower. 5,500 cubic feet (160 m) of pink conway granite (also quarried near redstone) received in may 1925 , used build memorial hall on second floor. walls of hall 32 feet (9.8 m) high, , 14 feet (4.3 m) of granite needed raised on northeast , south sides of hall complete them. (they 50 feet (15 m) when finished in december 1925.) sixteen columns of st. genevieve marble, quarried in missouri, procured , placed around perimeter of second floor auditorium support auditorium roof. each column 18.5 feet (5.6 m) high , 2.3 feet (0.70 m) in diameter, , weighed 56 short tons (51 t). once columns in place, jack arch constructed above them. arch had 2 cross-members (each consisting of 5 stones weighing total of 70 short tons (64 t)) supported 4 3 inches (7.6 cm) wide, 50 feet (15 m) long steel rods placed in shallow grooves on underside. gwmnma anticipated spending $595,000 in construction funds in 1925, , raised $500,000 in cash donations.

in 1926, gwmnma appropriated $500,000 continue construction on memorial. first event held in memorial february 22, 1926, gwmnma annual meeting. group reported $2 million in cash donations had been received far, , $1.8 million expended. 8 pink conway granite columns—each 40 feet (12 m) high , weighing 68 short tons (62 t)—for portico raised position in october 1926, completing portion of structure. nearing completion massive bas-relief sculpture of washington s head in profile, designed sculptor gail sherman corbett (wife of architect harvey w. corbett). g. fred coles, helped execute statue of abraham lincoln @ lincoln memorial, did carving of sculpture on-site in summer of 1927 corbett s maquette.

at group s february 1927 meeting, gwmnma officers reported raising $125,000 in cash donations. 6 months later, roof on first 3 floors put in place. concrete roof designed gunvald aus, designed woolworth building in new york city. pouring of concrete roof began on august 22, 1927, , completed on august 30. steel roof provided concrete steel co. of washington, d.c. vulcanite portland cement co. of philadelphia provided cement, , cranford construction co. poured roof. total of 71 short tons (64 t) of steel reinforcing rods used in roof, contained 953 cubic yards (729 m) of concrete. roof 74.75 feet (22.78 m) wide , 110 feet (34 m) long—reportedly largest concrete roof in world @ time. roof supported 4 steel-reinforced concrete beams, each beam 72 feet (22 m) long , 14.5 feet (4.4 m) deep. each beam varied 1 5 feet (0.30 1.52 m) in thickness, contained 7.5 short tons (6.8 t) of steel reinforcing rods, , weighed 98 short tons (89 t)). beams supported @ front of building 4 of pink conway granite columns. @ 4 corners of roof concrete piers, each 9 square feet (0.84 m) in size. spandrel beams between columns—6.3 feet (1.9 m) wide @ bottom, 9 feet (2.7 m) wide @ top, , 24 feet (7.3 m) deep—also supported roof. roof waterproofed, sealed, , covered copper sheeting new york roofing co. , ehret-warren co. in august 1927, believed building finished in 3 5 years.

at february 1928 annual meeting, gwmnma agreed spend $500,000 in coming year on construction costs. association agreed increase endowment fund $1.5 million, total cost of building, grounds, , endowment of $5 million. @ time, estimated building completed if $500,000 raised in 1929. grand lodge of state of virginia announced @ meeting had agreed fund construction of bronze doors memorial @ cost of $10,000. @ close of meeting, gwmnma established formal dedication date of 1932 memorial.

in february 1929, gwmnma learned $400,000 in cash donations received in 1928. when work on structure began again in march 1929, terrace , lawns resodded. first masonic degrees conferred in unfinished memorial in mid-october 1929. first blue lodge meeting held @ memorial occurred on november 14, 1929. many skilled workers unemployed due great depression, association able hire more men @ lower wages before. february 1930, tower section had risen 190 feet (58 m) above elevation, 50 feet (15 m) more construction schedule anticipated. @ gwmnma annual meeting, association voted establish $1 million endowment fund maintain memorial after completed. in 1930, association spent $225,000 on memorial. same year, gwmnma president watres donated large celesta-like set of chimes memorial s tower. tower completed, , floors eighth, ninth, , tenth levels installed.

work on exterior of memorial ended on february 8, 1931. grand chapter of virginia of royal arch masonry donated aluminum double-keystone symbol , light @ top of building. fixture, largest of kind in world @ time, in place february 1929 not yet illuminated (as exterior lighting systems still being installed). $17,000 light fixture 19 feet (5.8 m) high, made of aluminum, , has own independent power supply. claude haynes, steelworker employed on memorial since 1923 , member of alexandria-washington lodge no. 22, completed light installing aluminum sheeting on on february 8. construction of decorative items, flooring, landscape drainage, marble walls, , plumbing continued throughout 1931 , expected complete february 1932. work on outbuilding housing memorial s boiler room began in late march 1931. brick building constructed temple b. greenstreet co. of washington, d.c., , brick smokestacks built alphonse custodis co. of new york. steam tunnel 8 8 feet (2.4 2.4 m) square , 600 feet (180 m) long carried heat building. outbuilding s 2 low-pressure boilers , memorial s interior radiators supplied , installed american radiator co. interior heating , ventilation units , ductwork provided b.f. sturtevant co., benjamin f. shore co., , buffalo forge co. modern thermostats provided johnson service co. used control heating , cooling. furnaces used heating oil fuel, , installed automatic heating corporation of washington, d.c.


the george washington masonic national memorial dedicated on may 12, 1932. planners had hoped dedication date of february 22, 1932—the 200th anniversary of washington s birth. structure not ready in time, many of interior details had not yet been agreed on or installed, electrical , plumbing work had not yet reached third floor, , george washington national bicentennial commission had scheduled numerous programs february. initially, may 13—the 325th anniversary of founding of english settlement @ jamestown, virginia—was chosen date dedication. since number 13 considered unlucky, may 12 chosen instead.

even 2 months, contractors still rushed finish building. huge granite steps leading main entrance not in place (and not until 1940). among rooms being prepared @ last minute 1,000-seat circular auditorium @ rear of second floor. workers laid cement floor auditorium (although later replaced marble). marble wall material in auditorium came hilgartner marble co. of baltimore, while seating , woodwork came american seating co. of grand rapids. fan-shaped ceiling , frieze in auditorium designed louis ludwig of washington, d.c., while installation of ceiling , frieze done a.w. lee co. of washington. contractors busy installing sashes, windows, , ventilation grillwork throughout building, , laying cement floor in memorial hall on second floor. bronze used sashes, doors, doorjambs, , other exterior work connection granite required, , these items installed william h. jackson co. of new york. interior , exterior ironwork supplied alexandria iron works , washington stair , ornamental iron co. other auditorium, no attempt made complete first floor, lodge rooms on second floor, or of tower rooms in time dedication.

the memorial had been constructed without incurring debt. start of project, masonic bodies involved in memorial s construction resolved not sign contract or begin work until money such efforts in hand. @ time of dedication, not single bond had been sold or loan sought fund building s construction.

a number of special events marked dedication ceremony. more 100 special trains carried estimated 150,000 spectators alexandria. many attendees slept in railway sleeping cars (which remained parked in city s rail yards) because hotel accommodations lacking. u.s. navy sailed historic wooden-hulled, three-masted heavy frigate uss constitution alexandria dedication. 3 united states coast guard cutters , u.s. navy submarine anchored in potomac river ceremony. united states post office department established special temporary ceremonial post office @ site of memorial postmark letters , postcards memorial s name , location , date of dedication ceremony. (more 200,000 letters postmarked @ ceremonial station day.) united states house of representatives adjourned because house members attending dedication event. members of united states senate went dedication, did number of foreign ambassadors.

a continuous heavy rain dampened may 12 festivities. 20,000 people (rather anticipated 150,000) lined alexandria s streets view parade. estimated incorporate 20,000 participants, 15,000 marched in parade through alexandria memorial prior dedication ceremony. more 5,000 u.s. military personnel , 3,000 knights templar (the third part of york rite system of masonic degrees) marched in procession. contingents took more 2 hours pass reviewing stand. representatives every branch of freemasonry in u.s. attended, , many representatives overseas masonic lodges present. president hoover , entire cabinet attended dedication. when president , party arrived @ memorial site, constitution, 3 coast guard ships, , battery of 16th field artillery fired 21-gun salute.

due heavy rain, ceremony moved portico of memorial newly completed auditorium. several items of washingtoniana employed during dedication. among these bible washington used when initiated fredericksburg lodge no. 4 in 1752; trowel , gavel washington used while laying cornerstone of u.s. capitol building; bible on washington took presidential oath of office; , silver urn made paul revere contained lock of washington s hair. special masonic ritual written dedication. ceremony incorporated 4-foot (1.2 m) high model of memorial (manufactured inmates @ lorton reformatory), , pouring of wine, oil, , corn (masonic symbols) gold , silver pitchers onto model. pitchers made metalsmith olaf saugstadt. invocation given rt. rev. w. bertrand stevens, bishop of episcopal diocese of los angeles. benediction given dr. william j. morton, rector of christ church, alexandria (the church washington worshipped).


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