History Bani Zeid

1 history

1.1 history
1.2 establishment of bani zeid tribe in palestine
1.3 ottoman era
1.4 nineteenth century
1.5 modern era

early history

deir ghassaneh has been identified ancient saredah (also spelled zeredah), hometown of jeroboam. according sources, settled ghassanids, arab christian tribal confederation, after abandoned israelites. english orientalist edward henry palmer (1840–1882) thought name meant monastery of ghassaneh [ghassanids] . however, according moshe sharon (b. 1937), israeli professor of islamic history , civilisation, claim has been dismissed number of researchers since ghassanids did not have history of settlement in samaria, modern-day northern west bank. sharon suggests name of village related arabic word ghassaneh means handsome or suggests youth , beauty . byzantine ceramics have been found in deir ghassaneh, , on north side of beit rima. in addition, small fragments of marble column found in deir ghassaneh. in beit rima, sherds iron age , ia ii, persian, hellenistic, roman, byzantine, crusader/ayyubid, mamluk , ottoman remains have been found. in compendium of jewish oral law known mishnah (compiled in 189 ce), beit rima mentioned place formerly produced high-quality grape wine, , brought oblation temple in jerusalem. in deir ghassaneh, sherds of same periods, except persian, have been found.

according sharon, there no mention of deir ghassaneh or beit rima in arabic sources, although known deir ghassaneh inhabited during mamluk period due many houses there have preserved elements of mamluk architecture. specific examples include use of ablaq technique of alternating stones of different colors, particularly red , white, decorate facades , gates of houses.

establishment of bani zeid tribe in palestine

the modern town of bani zeid receives name arab tribe of bani zeid, settled in palestine during ayyubid period in late 12th century. formed part of bedouin units of saladin s army hailed hejaz. after siege of jerusalem in 1187, saladin s forces captured city , ayyubid army garrisoned there. bani zeid temporarily resided in jerusalem , street, located near present-day al-sa idia street, named after them, has since been renamed.

in order saladin persuade hejazi arab tribes joined army remain in palestine, offered each tribe cluster of villages captured crusaders iqta (fiefs) settle in , control. bani zeid granted villages of deir ghassaneh , beit rima, nearby towns of kafr ein , qarawa. however, not until 1293, after bahri mamluks under sultan baibars conquered coastal strip of palestine , expelled last of crusaders, bani zeid tribe settled in villages.

a mamluk-era (1260–1516) stone inscription belonging unidentified building in deir ghassaneh dating 1330 describes two-story felicitous palace garden. palace apparently asset of sultan al-nasir muhammad , inspected isa muhammad al-qaymari, low-ranking emir mosul region in charge of overseeing personal assets of sultan. in 1480 deir ghassaneh-based tribesmen bani zeid attacked jerusalem retaliation governor s execution of of members had been accused of revolting against burji mamluk authorities.

early ottoman era

during ottoman era in palestine, area bani zeid tribe settled became nahiya (subdistrict) of bani zeid, part of larger sanjak (district) of quds (jerusalem). nahiya contained on 20 towns , villages , had jurisdiction on part of salfit. while these villages registered , organized other villages in jerusalem sanjak, treated group. each village led ra (local chief) , entire bani zeid nahiya headed sheikh (paramount chief). bani zeid sheikdom serve political-administrative unit purposes of tax collection , army mobilization.

in 1556 sheikdom led sheikh abu rayyan bin sheikh manna, succeeded sheikh muhammad abu rabban in 1560. olive oil primary commodity bani zeid nahiya produced , product sold local ottoman officials , soap factories in nablus. ottomans imposed taxes on olive oil, wheat , barley, , sheikh responsible paying revenues of collected taxes ottoman authorities. in addition, bani zeid required finance waqf (religious endowment) al-aqsa mosque in jerusalem , ibrahimi mosque in hebron. in 1596 both deir ghassaneh , beit rima appeared in ottoman tax registers , both villages paid taxes on wheat, barley, olive trees, fruit trees, vineyards, goats and/or beehives. deir ghassaneh had population of 76 households, muslim, while beit rima had 54 muslim households , 14 christian households. during course of 16th century, of beit rima s christian inhabitants had emigrated village jerusalem, ramla , gaza, although christian population remained continued grow.

nineteenth century

in 19th century bani zeid 1 of 21 sheikdoms in central highlands of palestine. while exact borders varied time time, marked wadi al-dilb stream south, separated bani harith al-shamali sheikdom, , wadi nattif stream north separated bilad jamma in. bani zeid sheikdom contained highest slopes , largest concentration of mountain faults of highland sheikdoms. two-thirds of villages situated on relatively wide hilltops while remainder built along slopes. none located in valleys or foothills. in 1838 english biblical scholars edward robinson , eli smith noted bani zeid nahiya consisted of 18 inhabited localities , 4 khirbas (abandoned or ruined villages). classified deir ghassaneh , beit rima inhabited muslims.

in 19th century, paramount sheikhs of bani zeid sheikh marif al-barghouti , sheikh asi al-rabbah barghouti. belonged wealthy noble family of al-barghouti, sub-clan of bani zeid tribe traditionally provided leaders of sheikdom. members referred baraghithah , clan consisted of 9 branches collective power extended beyond bani zeid sheikdom coastal plain of palestine. during period of khedivate egyptian rule in levant (1832–1840), sheikh abd al-jabir al-barghouti, nephew of sheikh marif, served chief of bani zeid. sheikh abd al-jabir belonged al-zahir branch of family based in deir ghassaneh. deir ghassaneh served sheikdom s qaryat al-kursi (throne village or capital). during part of egyptian rule, governor ibrahim pasha had sheikh abd al-jabir executed. succeeded sheikh ali al-rabbah, leading barghouti sheikh , son of sheikh asi. latter subsequently executed on orders of ibrahim pasha. both sheikhs , peasant fighters had fought against egyptian rule during 1834 peasants revolt spread throughout palestine. during last years of egyptian control, sheikh musa ahmad al-sahwil of abwein became paramount sheikh of bani zeid , continued exercise great influence on sheikdom when egyptian military withdrew palestine in 1841.

in second half of 19th century bani zeid officially ruled sheikh salih al-barghouti, although struggled maintain full authority on sheikdom, having contend abwein-based rival sheikh musa , family, al-sahwil. latter controlled 7 villages in eastern part of sheikdom, while barghouti maintained control on twelve villages in western part. 2 domains separated wadi (seasonal stream). nonetheless, sheikh salih enjoyed high political , social status, holding official title of sheikh al-nahiya (chief of subdistrict) , referred locally sheikh al-mashayikh (chief of chieftains). title ceased recognized istanbul-based central government in 1864, locally title continued demonstrate guise of official authority. sheikh al-nahiya, sheikh salih tasked nomination , dismissal of makhatir (village headmen) , maintaining order through local custom. served multazim (tax collector) of bani zeid sheikdom on behalf of ottoman authorities, despite ban on tax-farming in 1853. role in particular enabled barghouti clan acquire vast wealth , property either forcefully or through legal transfer. during previous inter-family disputes, members of clan had begun settle in surrounding villages of beit rima, kobar , deir nidham.

as members of qais tribo-political faction, in opposition yaman faction, barghouti aligned qaisi-affiliated bedouin tribes , other prominent families, including khalidi clan of jerusalem, amr, azza , amla clans of hebron area , samhan clan of bani harith nahiya north. in 1855–1856 tensions between sheikh salih , leading families of nablus broke out fierce clashes. sheikh salih able compel ottoman authorities take local rulers of nablus task. restive sheikhs of jerusalem , hebron regions called damascus conclude lasting peace, condemned exile in trabzon, northern anatolia, exception of sheikh salih apparently impressed governor , allowed return deir ghassaneh. barghouti clan later support dar hammad tribe against dar hamid, both of engaged in feud in nearby silwad. in 1 day of fighting, 20 men killed, prompting sureya pasha, governor of jerusalem, intervene detachment of ottoman troops forced both factions withdraw.

french explorer victor guérin visited both deir ghassaneh , beit rima in 1863. noted former had population of 900 , built on mountain overlooking hills filled magnificent olive groves. beit rima had smaller population of 350, , situated on high plateau covered olive , fig groves. houses of both villages constructed red , white stone masonry , mosque in deir ghassaneh, guérin regarded noteworthy, built black , white stone. home of deir ghassaneh s sheikh, maintained level of sovereignty on 15 villages , hamlets in area, , members of family, particularly large , sturdily built. according sharon, sheikh guérin had referred sheikh salih. around time, in late 1860s, prominent al-husayni clan of jerusalem unsuccessfully attempted form alliance barghouti clan, through diplomatic means. afterward, commissioned allies in istanbul launch propaganda campaign against barghouti clan, accusing them of undermining sultan. allegation evidenced disruption of jerusalem s water supply peasant fighters of bani zeid led sheikh salih, closed off aqueduct solomon s pools south of bethlehem.

in 1887 census bani zeid sheikdom consisted of 24 villages estimated collective population of 7,700, including 400 christians. according census, deir ghassaneh had 1,200 inhabitants living in 196 households, making larger surrounding localities. there 9 elite households, each of family head recognized census sheikh. local imam, muhammad shams al-din al-shaykh hanafi, egyptian , 1 of 5 men in deir ghassaneh born outside village. palestine exploration fund s survey of western palestine (swp) in late 19th century stated deir ghassaneh village on ridge, springs in valley below. of moderate size, built of stone , has olives beneath it. swp described beit rima small village on summit of ridge wells west .

modern era

mosque of bani zeid, 2012

sheikh salih succeeded son umar salih al-barghouti, aligned bani zeid nashashibi clan of jerusalem against al-husayni clan in contest political dominance in palestine during british mandate period. in 1936, during arab revolt in palestine, british air force struck group of 400 local militiamen gathered outside of deir ghassaneh, killing 130 of fighters. later, in september 1938, local rebel leadership held meeting in village decided abd al-rahim al-hajj muhammad , arif abd al-raziq each serve general commander of revolt on rotational basis. deir ghassaneh subsequently attacked british forces backed fighter planes when informed of conference. rebel commander, muhammad al-salih, killed in ensuing firefight. british mandate antiquities authority noted in january 1947 report deir ghassaneh built on medieval site, , on hill 500 meters (1,600 ft) west of village two-domed shrine dedicated sheikh khawas.

deir ghassaneh , beit rima merged , granted municipal status in february 1966 during jordanian rule, partially due efforts of kassim al-rimawi, rural affairs minister @ time , native of beit rima. first mayor, adib mohammed rimawi, appointed king hussein. municipality building located in beit rima. in june 1967 israel occupied west bank after defeating arab forces in 6 day war. in 1972 first municipal polls held , fa eq ali rimawi elected. in 1978 bani zeid 1 of several palestinian localities append municipal seal memorandum masses , institutions of west bank executive committee of palestine liberation organization in display of unity palestine liberation organization (plo). memorandum rejection of solution, regardless of origin, not containing clear recognition of right of palestinian people self-determination , establishing independent palestinian national state. in 2000 bani zeid incorporated area giving palestinian national authority (pna), palestinian governing body established after oslo agreements israel in 1993, full control on security , civilian affairs in town.

in late night hours of 24 october 2001, during second intifada, israeli army (idf) launched incursion beit rima in became first major israeli military raid palestinian-controlled territory, according human rights watch (hrw). idf stated intent of raid capture alleged killers of israeli tourism minister rehavam ze evi, shot dead members of popular front liberation of palestine (pflp) in retaliation israel s assassination of party s leader mustafa zibri (abu ali mustafa) in august. 50 people beit rima detained , brought israeli settlement of halamish interrogation. released before day s end, eleven men remained in israeli custody, 2 of whom israel alleged directly involved in ze evi s assassination. in course of raid, israeli forces killed 6 palestinians, including 3 members of palestinian national security forces , 2 officers civil police, , wounded 7 others. palestinian authorities in beit rima stated had not received prior warning idf , slain men had been resting in olive grove near local police station, while israeli military officials stated killed had either fired on israeli forces or approached them threateningly , members of various armed groups. hrw stated red crescent prevented treating injured men until 7:00 am, delay resulted in death of 2 of police officers. israeli forces demolished 3 homes in town, alleging belonged family members of ze evi s killers.


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