Development Eastern Busway

1 development

1.1 uq lakes buranda section

1.1.1 fatality during construction

1.2 buranda coorparoo sections
1.3 further extensions


the eastern busway built , opened in stages. first section between university of queensland , south east busway opened in august 2009and buranda main avenue section in august 2011.

uq lakes buranda section

pa hospital busway station

construction began in april 2007 on 1.5 kilometres (0.93 mi) uq lakes buranda section opening on 3 august 2009. uq lakes buranda section of busway built under alliance thiess, sinclair knight merz , department of transport , main roads. included 640 metre long tunnel built under old bogga road gaol. tunnelling done voest-alpine industrieanlagenbau am105 roadheader machine. second tunnel passes under pacific motorway connect south east busway @ buranda.

fatality during construction

on 1 december 2008, worker killed in accident during construction of section near princess alexandra hospital. accident occurred when 18 tonne concrete bridge beam fell pier supports.

the accident led suspension of construction several days , charges being laid against construction contractor theiss in relation alleged breaches of workplace health , safety act. death recorded construction-related fatality on busway network date.

buranda coorparoo sections

in june 2008, queensland government approved project s concept design , impact management plan. concept design , impact management plan projects long-term investment in future of eastern suburbs.

the government committed $466 million next section of eastern busway. funding included 96 property resumptions between buranda , cavendish road, coorparoo , construction of 1.05 kilometres (0.65 mi) section between south east busway , main avenue, coorparoo stations @ stones corner , langlands park.

in december 2008, queensland government announced eastern busway alliance of leighton contractors, sinclair knight merz, maunsell , aecom build section.

the buranda main avenue section connects existing south east busway @ buranda coorparoo via stones corner. busway stations have been built @ stones corner , langlands park.

construction work on section commenced in august 2009. section opened on 29 august 2011.

further extensions

further stages of eastern busway ready immediate delivery, should funding become available under australian government s infrastructure australia program. proposed extend eastern busway along old cleveland road corridor via suburbs of coorparoo, camp hill, carina, carindale , chandler capalaba. historically, old cleveland road corridor major tram route until closure of brisbane s tram network in 1969.


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