Game library Master System

phantasy star master system became 1 of sega s successful franchises

games master system in 2 formats: rom cartridges capable of holding 4 mbit of game code, while sega cards can hold 256 kbit. cards cheaper manufacture cartridges , included titles such spy vs. spy , super tennis, sega cards dropped due lack of memory. master system cartridges branded mega cartridges emphasize large rom size compared cards, label fell disuse after sega ceased production of new card software. games manufactured system include psycho fox, golvellius, , phantasy star, became successful franchise sega , considered 1 of benchmark role-playing games. master system hosted games featuring sega s flagship character @ time, alex kidd, including alex kidd in miracle world. wonder boy iii: dragon s trap has garnered recognition genuine milestone in video game design due innovative blend of platforming gameplay rpg elements. built-in titles common in master system hardware, including snail maze , hang-on, alex kidd in miracle world , sonic hedgehog. additional titles released in brazil tectoy, including ports of street fighter ii , dynamite headdy after master system discontinued elsewhere.

a number of writers have criticized game library lack of depth. computer gaming world compared new sega titles drops of water in desert . due nintendo s licensing practices, few third-party developers contributed games master system. according damien mcferran, nintendo requested developers keep games nes exclusive , , given unassailable position console enjoyed, few had defy request. in addition, according game designer mark cerny, of sega s master system titles developed within strict three-month deadline, negatively impacted game quality. titles master system, however, did take advantage of advanced hardware of console in comparison nes; alex kidd in miracle world, example, showcases blistering colors , more detailed sprites competing nes games. in addition, master system version of r-type has garnered retrospective praise quality, visuals considered comparable found in turbografx-16 port of same title.

on other hand, retro gamer praised system s pal library, referring superb library of interesting ports , excellent exclusives offered greater depth available in north america , provided drip-feed of quality titles continued released in europe until mid-1990s. such titles ranged 8-bit entries of sega genesis/mega drive franchises such sonic hedgehog , streets of rage dozens of exclusive pal releases such lucky dime caper, asterix, ninja gaiden, master of darkness , power strike ii.


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