Inheritance to Saxe-Coburg and Gotha Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

ernest s heir-presumptive prince alfred, duke of edinburgh.

for of ernest s reign, heir presumptive saxe-coburg , gotha sibling prince albert, consort of queen victoria. when became increasingly more clear ernest childless, possibility of personal union between duchies , united kingdom became real, reality deemed undesirable. special arrangements made combination of constitutional clauses , renunciations pass ernest s throne son of albert while preventing personal union. consequently, prince alfred, duke of edinburgh, brother s second eldest son, designated childless ernest s heir presumptive, when older brother prince of wales (later edward vii of united kingdom) renounced succession rights.

issues arose on authority control upbringing of heir-presumptive. head of coburg family, ernest have been able arrange alfred s education , general upbringing unchallenged. not case. alfred torn between british birth , german inheritance. partly because alfred second-in-line united kingdom until birth of nephew prince albert victor, duke of clarence , avondale, in 1864. 1 example of many problems of education concerned language speak. although grew learning german, native language decided english. in addition, naval career chosen alfred, common profession british prince unheard of german prince. ernest wanted alfred educated in coburg, brother refused. albert s refusal stemmed negative british reaction have inevitably occurred , fact albert fearful of alfred s moral development. despite ernest s protests, went unheeded in albert s lifetime. in 1863, ernest told victoria time alfred leave navy , enter german university. march of following year, decided alfred attend bonn university left consider future, having reservations on permanently residing outside england. matter resolved; alfred came accept inheritance, , victoria understood , accepted ernest needed involved in upbringing of heir-presumptive, strong german element added education , (carefully chaperoned) visits coburg.


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