Later politics and major literary works George Tucker (politician)

1 later politics , major literary works

1.1 politics
1.2 works of fiction
1.3 first biography of jefferson

later politics , major literary works

some of tucker s writing reflected growing political skepticism of workings of democracy beginning 1796 election. late 1820s, persuaded political leadership positions should reserved prosperous people tangible, , taxable, interest in government. andrew jackson s election in 1828 tucker example of triumph of democratic demagoguery bring class warfare. tucker worked arduously in virginia oppose jackson , solid supporter of henry clay, second choice being daniel webster.

he opposed universal suffrage, , favored limiting franchise half of free men, , allowing slaveholders cast votes on behalf of three-fifths of slaves; argued in favor of eliminating secret ballot. tucker promoted second national bank , criticized jackson defunding it.

works of fiction

tucker s premier literary work valley of shenandoah (1824), first fictional tale of life in virginia. in relating downfall of aristocratic family in commonwealth s valley, drew upon personal witness of financial ruin of in-laws, family of charles carter, , described inability of estate owner manage monetary affairs, such had experienced. tucker further used novel s characters, again reflecting personal experience, emphasize happiness in love , life resulted moderation of 1 s passions. valley stressed tucker s professorial objective, history must inform reader progress of society , arts of civilization; advancement , decline of literature, laws, manners , commerce. conveyed through fiction view gentility independent of wealth, relationship between masters , slaves imbued mutual trust , happiness, , strong currents of socio-economic change on whole beneficent.

using pseudonym joseph atterley, in 1827 wrote satire voyage moon: account of manners , customs, science , philosophy, of people of morosofia, , other lunarians. 1 of earliest american works of science fiction, , relatively successful, earning tucker $100 sale of 1000 copies. received positive reviews american quarterly review , western monthly review. tucker uses voyage ridicule social manners, religion , professions of of colleagues, , criticize erroneous scientific methods , results apparent him @ time.

first biography of jefferson

in 1836, tucker completed manuscript of comprehensive biography, life of thomas jefferson, third president of united states. sent composition james madison approval, latter had assisted in formation. tucker included sanction proposed dedication recipient. madison replied full approbation , signature on june 26, 1836, hours before death following day.

this premier study of life of jefferson published in 2 volumes following year, , received complimentary assessment in edinburgh review lord brougham, valuable addition stock of our political , historical knowledge. in it, professor tucker not accord illustrious subject of biography. work, indeed, manifests laudable desire justice, , decide impartially on contested topics; , hence, perhaps, failed give satisfaction ardent supporters, bitter opponents, of mr. jefferson.


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