Development Georgia Brooks

1 development

1.1 characterisation
1.2 love triangle
1.3 downward spiral
1.4 relationship kyle canning
1.5 singing career
1.6 pregnancy
1.7 cancer scare
1.8 departure


moloney told writer msn georgia stir things in toadie s household. shortly after arrived, georgia moved in cousin , pregnant partner, sonya mitchell (eve morey). moloney quipped mouth feed , house becoming bit full baby arriving too. of how georgia fits in, actor explained looks though s annoying sonya , s going bit of pain in neck, sonya , on house on fire , backfires on toadie. s stuck agrees sonya s hippy birthing ways. s lovely have member of family on street. writer channel 5 s neighbours website stated cousin of toadie, georgia had established bloodline coming show. mcwhirter revealed georgia graduate nurse , described being bubbly , while soap world columnist called vivacious . georgia country girl. hampele thought character positive person , hoped whatever happens during storylines, not change completely.

hampele later commented enjoyed playing georgia, explaining life keeps throwing pretty heavy stuff way, maintains integrity , optimism, if gets challenged along way. s great role model - s caring, loving, naive - can strong, independent , fearless when needs be. actress added georgia type of person befriend.

love triangle

georgia s childhood sweetheart, scotty boland (rhys uhlich), introduced in december 2012. scotty country farmer decides follow georgia erinsborough. david knox tv tonight commented scotty not impressed girlfriend had left birregurra. georgia happy see scotty, starts realise have less in common each other first thought. georgia questions relationship scotty when fails understand why work having emotional impact on her. instead kyle canning (chris milligan) gives georgia support needs, leaving questions future scotty. georgia become torn between kyle , scotty. when decides spend afternoon @ fundraising barbecue kyle, georgia starts feel guilty ditching scotty day , leaves. hampele told inside soap columnist, kyle has been distraction georgia. , kyle spend afternoon raising funds baby patrick, , georgia has great time. s when realises there s attraction. georgia s hasty exit fundraiser causes kyle become confused , thinks has developed crush on rhys lawson (ben barber).

kyle believes georgia s feelings rhys lead have heart broken , urges mend relationship scotty, leaves georgia gutted . hampele quipped georgia likes kyle , thinks feels same way, comes blow her. actress continued georgia has been brought stand man, feelings scotty conflicted. kyle s grandmother later tells rhys georgia fancies him, decides ask out. however, bewildered georgia turns him down. georgia , kyle continue hide feelings each other, georgia struggles contain jealously when kyle begins dating jana noviac (kyrie capri). georgia realises feelings kyle mean relationship scotty on , breaks him on phone. when kyle comes on georgia s place fix pool, offers put sunscreen on , tv week s thomas mitchell declared electricity off grid! . however, georgia s aunt, angie rebecchi (lesley baker), interrupts them. milligan said kyle , georgia have sexual tension. both know deep down have feelings each other isn t working in favour yet.

georgia , scotty later , scotty comes stay on ramsay street. georgia grateful when scotty appears unaware of attraction kyle. when scotty proposes georgia, accepts. scolds kyle being jealous when scotty informs kyle has been mistreating him. scotty , georgia plan elope in secret, before can leave, kyle reveals scotty made sexual advances towards chris pappas (james mason). georgia unwilling believe story, until scotty confirms gay. soap world columnist noted georgia shattered think missed signs throughout eight-year relationship . georgia hurt further when scotty abruptly leaves town without saying goodbye. hampele revealed georgia cannot believe first serious relationship has ended way , frustrated did not chance confront scotty because letter did not provide answers needs. georgia has been left feeling not enough scotty , becomes angry that. hampele added moving forward, georgia , kyle match share similar outlooks on life , both little kooky.

downward spiral

in april 2013, announced georgia become involved in drugs scandal storyline. following revelation scotty s sexuality, georgia goes on downward spiral begins affecting personal , professional life. swears off future relationships men , rejects friend s attempts console her. soap world reporter wrote georgia ashamed around knows her. georgia avoids own birthday celebrations , when treating pete clark (paul cousins) @ hospital, unaware flirting her. however, when realises pete interested in her, georgia decides go drink him. when pete rejects kiss, becomes more embarrassed , starts suffering insomnia. georgia asks karl kennedy (alan fletcher) strong sleeping pills, behaviour concerns him , later organises georgia have time off work. while @ charlie s, conversation pete takes dark , potentially dangerous turn when offers drugs. georgia accepts pills wants forget problems , enjoys night of hard partying.

when asked how felt storyline, hampele replied enjoyed it, meant got explore layer of character s personality. when drugs go missing hospital, georgia wrongly accused of taking them responsible drug store. realises left pete alone keys store when came hospital again, struggles admit anyone. during search of georgia s bag, sleeping pill prescriptions found , suspects pete had them. when georgia forced reveal truth own drug use, shocked , devastated when fired hospital. hampele told kilkelly s going extremely difficult job back, because appears has broken every rule in book. however, think has touched surface nurse , hospital settings provide of interesting storylines, see remain nurse. kyle helps georgia clear name when finds person behind drugs theft. georgia s reputation restored , allowed return work.

relationship kyle canning

—hampele on georgia , kyle (2013)

once georgia s life settles down, , kyle start spending quality time each other. when believe relationship in place, georgia , kyle have sex first time. however, happiness not last long when georgia offered opportunity work overseas. milligan commented when kyle thinks re making progress, georgia springs on him. tried long-distance thing ex, jade, , didn t work. georgia begins struggle in relationship, breaks kyle. realises needs work through issues scotty before can move on , invites scotty town. georgia shocked when scotty turns on doorstep , kyle leaves them alone talk. talk scotty helps georgia overcome insecurities , , kyle make up.

not long after scotty s visit, georgia , kyle face next challenge when kyle temporarily blinded during eclipse. hampele stated georgia has self-esteem issues because of break-up scotty. though kyle tries there her, keeps pushing him away. , kyle has terrible accident , puts massive strain on both of them. hampele said scenes between georgia , kyle challenging film , milligan not make eye contact. found difficult have emotional response milligan. georgia , kyle s relationship becomes strained decide take break. kyle has one-night stand georgia s best friend kate ramsay (ashleigh brewer). hampele admitted have preferred georgia , kyle have been happy , stable in relationship bit longer, before tested again. georgia , kyle become engaged when both propose. hampele told inside soap reporter georgia impulsive character, thought perfect made snap decision propose kyle. however, instead of accepting straight away, kyle leaves georgia go , grandmother s ring, can propose her.

georgia s cousin gemma reeves (kathryn beck) discovers kate , kyle s affair after hacking kate s email account , finding unsent email kate kyle detailing one-night stand. places email in pile of congratulatory email messages @ engagement party thrown georgia , kyle. georgia reads out email kate. realising best friend , boyfriend have betrayed her, heartbroken georgia flees party. hampele admitted bit devastated affair revealed realised not work brewer , milligan in future. hampele thought how georgia not see gemma s manipulation of , put down beck, convinced nothing bad happening in background. hampele explained georgia devastated , shocked kate , kyle s betrayal. not give them chance explain , unsure whether still continuing affair. georgia equally angry @ them both , decides cut them out of life.

singing career

during appearance on wright stuff in may 2013 hampele revealed georgia doing singing in show. added georgia perform karl s band right prescription. hampele found singing storyline quite challenging , not pushed. however, producers received positive feedback , continued show georgia singing. georgia later writes , records song called letting know , relationship kyle. hampele got record song in real-life , later available download. singer , songwriter amali ward introduced show part of storyline. drama between georgia , kyle, storyline died down.


in december 2013, reporter press association announced georgia shocked learn pregnant kyle s child in new year. reporter added georgia struggle telling kyle news. while recovering heartbreak on kate , kyle, georgia plagued ill health , put down stress. after taking pregnancy test, turned out positive, georgia had mixed emotions. hampele explained georgia s wanted children, marriage , home. s imagined kyle person things with. georgia decided keep pregnancy kyle because felt not trust him.

while suffering severe morning sickness, georgia collapsed during gig @ charlie s, leading kyle discovering pregnant. after keeping distance kyle, georgia began thaw towards him , hampele commented because of hopeless romantic side. however, when georgia experienced unusual pain , cramps, kyle took hospital , learned georgia had suffered miscarriage. georgia , kyle shattered news , hampele pointed out, s such devastating loss. baby looking forward to.

cancer scare

in august 2014, georgia experienced cancer scare. after developed sore throat, got checked out karl, found large lump. georgia became concerned there history of lung , throat cancer in family. georgia struggled acknowledge possibility of cancer , hampele said, s devastating her. 1 of biggest concerns thought of leaving kyle behind. also, knows how mum s cancer diagnosis rocked family. kyle assured georgia fine , persuaded have surgery remove lump. ahead of surgery, georgia began feel nervous , wondered whether doing right thing having lump removed. hampele told inside soap columnist georgia nervous , worried permanently losing voice.

georgia s surgery appeared go well, while in recovery, health took turn worse. hampele explained, when georgia comes out of surgery, can still talk, s told not overuse voice. however, stitches in throat rupture , starts coughing blood. georgia rushed theatre repair stitches , karl tried reassure okay. however, later had inform georgia not sing professionally again. georgia suspected there might have been misconduct surgeon jessica girdwood (glenda linscott) , when realised karl , jessica friends, questioned whether karl covering colleague.


on 18 may 2015, confirmed hampele had left neighbours , had filmed final scenes earlier in year. daniel kilkelly digital spy reported actress had moved los angeles pursue new career opportunities. hampele later said georgia had been pleasure play , thankful messages fans expressing love , support her. georgia s exit storyline saw move germany mother, had been diagnosed cancer. georgia found research centre in country offered effective treatment disease. georgia departed erinsborough after impromptu farewell kyle , friends on 27 may.

two months later, revealed hampele had filmed scenes had yet air. georgia appeared via online video call kyle. later returned home, shortly after man called greg keys (ryan faucett) revealed kyle in love her. show spokesperson stated, kyle on tenterhooks when georgia arrives. reassures him nothing physical happened between greg , herself admits there connection , asks set free.

hampele later reprised role facilitate milligan s exit neighbours. speaking writer show s official website, hampele said bit surreal coming set, enjoyed see cast , crew again. when asked if georgia , kyle should together, said compatible , after of struggles have been through seemed make sense together. s been amazing journey seeing them grow , mature couple, , feels right outcome have them live happily ever after...but knows? georgia returned on 4 april 2016.


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