Governor of Missouri (1985–1993) John Ashcroft

ashcroft s official portrait governor.

ashcroft elected governor in 1984 , re-elected in 1988, becoming first (and, date, only) republican in missouri history elected 2 consecutive terms.

missouri governor john ashcroft , first lady barbara bush parents teachers group @ greater st. louis ferguson-florissant school district in october 1991. mrs. bush (in rocking chair) reading brown bear, brown bear children.

ashcroft s official portrait senator.

in 1984, opponent democratic lt. governor ken rothman. campaign negative on both sides reporter described contest 2 alley cats [scrapping] on truth in advertising . in campaign, ashcroft contrasted rural-base against urban-based opponent st. louis. democrats did not close ranks on primary night. defeated candidate mel carnahan endorsed rothman. in end, ashcroft won 57 percent of vote , carried 106 counties—then largest republican gubernatorial victory in missouri history.

in 1988, ashcroft won larger margin on democratic opponent, betty cooper hearnes, wife of former governor warren hearnes. ashcroft received 64 percent of vote in general election—the largest landslide governor in missouri history since u.s. civil war.

during second term, ashcroft served chairman of national governors association (1991–92).

as governor, ashcroft helped enact tougher standards , sentencing gun crimes, increased funding local law enforcement, , tougher standards , punishment people bringing guns schools. while ashcroft in office:

the number of full-time law enforcement officers in missouri increased 3,825 (63%) 1985 1992.
capacity @ missouri prisons increased 72% 9,071 in 1985 15,630 in 1993.
missouri above average in length of time criminals had serve sentences according gail hughes, deputy director state corrections department, citing 1991 yearbook published criminal justice institute. national average time served crimes 23.7 months, while in missouri average length of sentence 28.9 months.
according u.s. department of justice, prison time in missouri percentage of time sentenced jail 73% in 1993 , increased 86% in 1997.
the number of juveniles arrested committing crime increased 16.3% between 1985 , 1992.
though ashcroft opposed legislation governor, missouri legislature enacted first hate crimes legislation.
the legislature enacted missouri victim s bill of rights, allows crime victims informed of , present @ criminal proceedings, right restitution, right protection defendant , right informed of escape or release of defendant.

^ cite error: named reference invoked never defined (see page).
^ marie marmo mullaney, biographical directory of governors of united states, 1988–1994, greenwood press (1994)]] isbn 0-313-28312-5


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