Prizes.2C awards.2C and titles Architect

a wide variety of prizes awarded national professional associations , other bodies, recognizing accomplished architects, buildings, structures, , professional careers.

the lucrative award architect can receive pritzker prize, termed nobel prize architecture. other prestigious architectural awards royal gold medal, aia gold medal (usa), aia gold medal (australia), , praemium imperiale.

architects in uk, have made contributions profession through design excellence or architectural education, or have in other way advanced profession, might until 1971 elected fellows of royal institute of british architects , can write friba after name if feel inclined. elected chartered membership of riba after 1971 may use initials riba cannot use old ariba , friba. honorary fellow may use initials hon. friba. , international fellow may use initials int. friba. architects in us, have made contributions profession through design excellence or architectural education, or have in other way advanced profession, elected fellows of american institute of architects , can write faia after name. architects in canada, have made outstanding contributions profession through contribution research, scholarship, public service, or professional standing of architecture in canada, or elsewhere, may recognized fellow of royal architectural institute of canada , can write fraic after name. in hong kong, elected chartered membership may use initial hkia, , have made special contribution after nomination , election hong kong institute of architects (hkia), may elected fellow members of hkia , may use fhkia after name.

architects in philippines , filipino communities overseas (whether filipinos or not), profess other jobs @ same time, addressed , introduced architect, rather sir/madam in speech or mr./mrs./ms. (g./gng./bb. in filipino) before surnames. word used either in or before given name or surname.


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