Zunghar Genocide Taranchi

the dzungar (or zunghar), oirat mongols lived in area stretched west end of great wall of china present-day eastern kazakhstan , present-day northern kyrgyzstan southern siberia (most of located in present-day xinjiang), last nomadic empire threaten china, did 17th century through middle of 18th century. after series of inconclusive military conflicts started in 1680s, dzungars subjugated manchu-led qing dynasty (1644–1911) in late 1750s. clarke argued qing campaign in 1757–58 amounted complete destruction of not zunghar state of zunghars people. after qianlong emperor led qing forces victory on zunghar oirat (western) mongols in 1755, going split zunghar empire 4 tribes headed 4 khans, khoit tribe have zunghar leader amursana khan. amursana rejected qing arrangement , rebelled since wanted leader of united zunghar nation. qianlong issued orders genocide , eradication of entire zunghar nation , name, qing manchu bannermen , khalkha (eastern) mongols enslaved zunghar women , children while slaying other zunghars.

the qianlong emperor issued direct orders commanders massacre zunghars , show no mercy , rewards given carried out extermination , orders given young men slaughtered while women taken spoils. qing extirpated zunghar identity remaining enslaved zunghar women , children. orders given exterminate zunghar tribes, , successful genocide qing left zungharia unpopulated , vacant. qianlong ordered men to- show no mercy @ these rebels. old , weak should saved. our previous campaigns lenient. qianlong emperor did not see conflict between performing genocide on zunghars while upholding peaceful principles of confucianism, supporting position portraying zunghars barbarian , subhuman. qianlong proclaimed sweep away barbarians way bring stability interior. , zunghars turned on civilization. , , heaven supported emperor. in destruction of zunghars. according encyclopedia of genocide , crimes against humanity, volume 3 , per united nations genocide convention article ii, qianlong s actions against zunghars constitute genocide, massacred vast majority of zunghar population , enslaved or banished remainder, , had zunghar culture extirpated , destroyed. qianlong s campaign constituted eighteenth-century genocide par excellence.

the qianlong emperor moved remaining zunghar people china , ordered generals kill men in barkol or suzhou, , divided wives , children qing soldiers. in account of war, qing scholar wei yuan, wrote 40% of zunghar households killed smallpox, 20% fled russia or kazakh khanate, , 30% killed army, leaving no yurts in area of several thousands of li except of surrendered. clarke wrote 80%, or between 480,000 , 600,000 people, killed between 1755 , 1758 in amounted complete destruction of not zunghar state of zunghars people. 80% of zunghars died in genocide. zunghar genocide completed combination of smallpox epidemic , direct slaughter of zunghars qing forces made out of manchu bannermen , (khalkha) mongols.

it not until generations later dzungaria rebounded destruction , near liquidation of zunghars after mass slayings of million zunghars. historian peter perdue has shown decimation of dzungars result of explicit policy of extermination launched qianlong, perdue attributed decimation of dzungars deliberate use of massacre , has described ethnic genocide . although deliberate use of massacre has been largely ignored modern scholars, dr. mark levene, historian recent research interests focus on genocide, has stated extermination of dzungars arguably eighteenth century genocide par excellence. dzungar (zunghar) genocide has been compared qing extermination of jinchuan tibetan people in 1776.

anti-zunghar uyghur rebels turfan , hami oases had submitted qing rule vassals , requested qing overthrowing zunghar rule. uyghur leaders emin khoja granted titles within qing nobility, , these uyghurs helped supply qing military forces during anti-zunghar campaign. qing employed khoja emin in campaign against zunghars , used him intermediary muslims tarim basin inform them qing aiming kill oirats (zunghars) , leave muslims alone, , convince them kill oirats (zunghars) , side qing since qing noted muslims resentment of former experience under zunghar rule @ hands of tsewang araptan.

the qing identified state china (zhongguo), , referred dulimbai gurun in manchu. qing equated lands of qing state (including present day manchuria, dzungaria in xinjiang, mongolia, , other areas china ) in both chinese , manchu languages, defining china multi ethnic state. qianlong emperor explicitly commemorated qing conquest of zunghars having added new territory in xinjiang china , defining china multi ethnic state, rejecting idea china meant han areas in china proper , meaning according qing, both han , non-han peoples part of china , included xinjiang qing conquered zunghars. after qing done conquering dzungaria in 1759, proclaimed new land formerly belonged zunghars, absorbed china (dulimbai gurun) in manchu language memorial. qing expounded on ideology bringing outer non-han chinese inner mongols, eastern mongols, oirat mongols, , tibetans inner han chinese, 1 family united in qing state, showing diverse subjects of qing part of 1 family, qing used phrase zhong wai yi jia 中外一家 or nei wai yi jia 內外一家 ( interior , exterior 1 family ), convey idea of unification of different peoples. xinjiang people not allowed called foreigners (yi) under qing.

the qianlong emperor rejected earlier ideas han subjects of china , han land considered part of china, instead redefined china multiethnic, saying in 1755 there exists view of china (zhongxia), according non-han people cannot become china s subjects , land cannot integrated territory of china. not represent our dynasty s understanding of china, instead of earlier han, tang, song, , ming dynasties. manchu qianlong emperor rejected views of han officials said xinjiang not part of china , should not conquer it, putting forth view china multiethnic , did not refer han. han migration xinjiang permitted manchu qianlong emperor, gave chinese names cities replace mongol names, instituting civil service exams in area, , implementing county , prefecture chinese style administrative system, , promoting han migration xinjiang solidify qing control supported numerous manchu officials under qianlong. proposal written in imperial gazetteer of western regions (xiyu tuzhi) use state-funded schools promote confucianism among muslims in xinjiang fuheng , team of manchu officials , qianlong emperor. confucian names given towns , cities in xinjiang qianlong emperor, dihua urumqi in 1760 , changji, fengqing, fukang, huifu, , suilai other cities in xinjiang, qianlong implemented chinese style prefectures, departments, , counties in portion of region.

the qing qianlong emperor compared achievements of han , tang ventures central asia. qianlong s conquest of xinjiang driven mindfulness of examples set han , tang qing scholars wrote official imperial qing gazetteer xinjiang made frequent references han , tang era names of region. qing conqueror of xinjiang, zhao hui, ranked achievements tang dynasty general gao xianzhi , han dynasty generals ban chao , li guangli. both aspects of han , tang models ruling xinjiang adopted qing , qing system superficially resembled of nomadic powers qara khitay, in reality qing system different of nomads, both in terms of territory conquered geographically , centralized administrative system, resembling western stye (european , russian) system of rule. qing portrayed conquest of xinjiang in officials works continuation , restoration of han , tang accomplishments in region, mentioning previous achievements of dynasties. qing justified conquest claiming han , tang era borders being restored, , identifying han , tang s grandeur , authority qing. many manchu , mongol qing writers wrote xinjiang did in chinese language, culturally chinese point of view. han , tang era stories xinjiang recounted , ancient chinese places names reused , circulated. han , tang era records , accounts of xinjiang writings on region available qing era chinese in 18th century , needed replaced updated accounts literati.

consequences of genocide in xinjiang s demographics

the qing final solution of genocide solve problem of dzungar people, made qing sponsored settlement of millions of han chinese, hui, turkestani oasis people (taranchi uyghurs) , manchu bannermen in dzungaria possible, since land devoid of dzungars. dzungarian basin, used inhabited (zunghar) mongols, inhabited kazakhs. in northern xinjiang, qing brought in han, hui, uyghur, xibe, , kazakh colonists after exterminated zunghar oirat mongols in region, 1 third of xinjiang s total population consisting of hui , han in northern are, while around 2 thirds uyghurs in southern xinjiang s tarim basin. in dzungaria, qing established new cities urumqi , yining. qing ones unified xinjiang , changed demographic situation.

the depopulation of northern xinjiang after buddhist Öölöd mongols (dzungars) slaughtered, led qing settling manchu, sibo (xibe), daurs, solons, han chinese, hui muslims, , turkic muslim taranchis in north, han chinese , hui migrants making greatest number of settlers. since crushing of buddhist Öölöd (dzungars) qing led promotion of islam , empowerment of muslim begs in southern xinjiang, , migration of muslim taranchis northern xinjiang, proposed henry schwarz qing victory was, in sense, victory islam . xinjiang unified, defined geographic identity created , developed qing. qing led turkic muslim power in region increasing since mongol power crushed qing while turkic muslim culture , identity tolerated or promoted qing.

the qing gave name xinjiang dzungaria after conquering , wiping out dzungars, reshaping steppe grassland farmland cultivated han chinese farmers, 1 million mu (17,000 acres) turned grassland farmland 1760-1820 new colonies.


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