Ecology Common pheasant

1 ecology

1.1 nesting
1.2 introduced species
1.3 united states , canada


just hatched, in egg incubator

common pheasants native asia, original range extending between black , caspian seas manchuria, siberia, korea, mainland china, , taiwan. birds found in woodland, farmland, scrub, , wetlands. in natural habitat common pheasant lives in grassland near water small copses of trees. extensively cleared farmland marginal habitat cannot maintain self-sustaining populations long

common pheasants gregarious birds , outside breeding season form loose flocks. wherever hunted timid once associate humans danger, , retreat safety after hearing arrival of hunting parties in area.

chicks 1 hour after hatching

while common pheasants able short-distance fliers, prefer run. if startled however, can burst upwards @ great speed, distinctive whirring wing sound , giving kok kok kok calls alert conspecifics. flight speed 43–61 km/h (27–38 mph) when cruising when chased can fly 90 km/h (56 mph).


common pheasants nest solely on ground in scrapes, lined grass , leaves, under dense cover or hedge. nest in haystack, or old nest left other birds; roost in sheltered trees @ night. males polygynous typical many phasianidae, , accompanied harem of several females. common pheasants produce clutch of around 8-15 eggs, many 18, 10 12; pale olive in colour, , laid on 2–3 week period in april june. incubation period 22–27 days. chicks stay near hen several weeks, yet leave nest when few hours old. after hatching grow quickly, flying after 12–14 days, resembling adults 15 weeks of age.

they eat wide variety of animal , vegetable type-food, fruit, seeds, grain, mast, berries , leaves wide range of invertebrates, such leatherjackets, ant eggs, wireworms, caterpillars, grasshoppers , other insects; small vertebrates lizards, field voles, small mammals, , small birds taken.

as introduced species

although non-indigenous species, common pheasant farmed in conservation areas, seen here in litovelské pomoraví protected landscape area in czech republic.

introduced male , female foraging @ newport wetlands rspb nature reserve in united kingdom.

a startled male makes dash cover

common pheasants can found across globe due readiness breed in captivity , fact can naturalise in many climates, known introduced in europe, north america, japan , new zealand. pheasants hunted in natural range stone age humans grouse, partridges, junglefowls , perhaps peacocks inhabited europe @ time. @ least since roman empire bird extensively introduced in many places , has become naturalized member @ least of european fauna. introductions in southern hemisphere have failed, except local galliformes or ecological equivalents rare or absent.

the bird naturalized in great britain around 1059 ad, arguably earlier, romano-british. caucasian species mistakenly known old english pheasant rather chinese pheasants (torquatus) introduced britain. became extirpated of isles in 17th century. there further re-introductions of white neck-ringed variety in 18th century. rediscovered game bird in 1830s after being ignored many years in amalgam of forms. since has been reared extensively gamekeepers, , shot in season 1 october 31 january. pheasants adapted british climate , breed naturally in wild without human supervision in copses, heaths, , commons.

by 1950 pheasants bred throughout british isles although scarce in ireland. because around 30 million pheasants released each year on shooting estates, in midlands , south of england, widespread in distribution, although released birds survive less year in wild. bohemian seen in north norfolk. game & wildlife conservation trust researching breeding success of reared pheasants , trying find ways improve breeding success reduce demand release many reared pheasants , increase wild population. original caucasian stock disappeared during modern era, dark-winged ringless birds in uk descended chinese ringneck , green pheasant hybrids, commonly used rewilding.

united states , canada

common pheasants introduced in north america in 1773, , have become established throughout of rocky mountain states (colorado, montana, wyoming, etc.), midwest, plains states, canada , mexico. in southwest, can seen south of rockies in bosque del apache national wildlife refuge 161 km (100 mi) south of albuquerque, new mexico. common on great plains. common pheasants have been introduced of northwest europe, hawaiian islands, chile, uruguay, peru, argentina, brazil, south africa, new zealand, , australia including island state of tasmania , small offshore islands such rottnest island off western australia.

most common pheasants bagged in united states wild-born feral pheasants. in states captive-reared , released birds make of population.

pheasant hunting popular in of u.s., in great plains states, mix of farmland , native grasslands provides ideal habitat. south dakota alone has annual harvest of on million birds year on 200,000 hunters.

much of north american hunting done groups of hunters, walk through fields , shoot birds flushed dogs such labrador retrievers , springer spaniels. there many hunters use pointers such english setters or german shorthairs find , hold pheasants hunters flush , shoot.


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