Secondary Characters List of Wicked characters

1 secondary characters

1.1 galinda glinda arduenna upland
1.2 nessarose nessa thropp
1.3 fiyero tigelaar / tiggular
1.4 boq
1.5 dorothy gale
1.6 yackle
1.7 nor illianora tigelaar
1.8 ozma tip tippetarius
1.9 cattery nanny spunge
1.10 brother frexspar godly
1.11 melena thropp
1.12 doctor dillamond
1.13 mister boss
1.14 chistery nikko, killyjoy, bees, , crows
1.15 candle osqa’ami
1.16 trism bon cavalish
1.17 sister apothecaire

secondary characters
galinda glinda arduenna upland

galinda arduenna upland elphaba s roommate @ shiz university. hates elphaba @ first, later become close friends. however, 2 separated twenty years when elphaba goes hiding. later changes name glinda out of respect of late doctor dillamond. glinda part of high society in gillikin, oz s northern province. marries wealthy baron named lord chuffney , becomes temporary throne minister after wizard leaves. in son of witch helps liir southstair prison find nor, helps trism escape mauntery of saint glinda. in out of oz looks after rain @ mockbeggar hall liir , candle , placed under house arrest cherrystone. sabotages dragon fleet using spell grimmerie , rain s help. @ end of fourth book incarcerated in southstair prison aforementioned sabotage. last chapter in fourth book cryptic, prison door opened recognises friend, , says ‘you wicked thing’ refer elphaba. glinda in book parallel character in musical wicked, behaving in snobby , mean fashion, whereas in wizard of oz, in original oz books, portrayed kind , gentle. in original broadway production of musical, played kristin chenoweth.

nessarose nessa thropp

elphaba s younger sister, nessarose becomes known wicked witch of east. in novel, nessarose born without arms, , therefore dependent on elphaba, caretaker nanny, , father. possibly unfortunate ironic side effect of remedy melena took in attempt prevent next child having green skin. nessarose described being extremely beautiful; , elphaba, though loves sister , goes out of way care , ensure comfort , happiness, jealous of her. though elphaba s reserved , fiercely private personality might not make apparent outside observer, jealousy magnified father, frex s, undisguised favoritism towards nessarose. gift, frex crafts , gives nessarose sparkling, glass-covered shoes (which known silver shoes in wonderful wizard of oz) glinda later enchants, giving nessarose ability walk unaided. nessarose inherits title , role of eminent thropp of munchkinland when elphaba, being eldest , therefore rightful heiress office, declines it. nessarose devout unionist, , many munchkins unhappy under rule. killed when dorothy s house falls on top of her. heavily hinted nessarose not frex s biological daughter, rather illegitimate daughter of melena , turtle heart. while nessarose s questionable paternity readily apparent frex—it suggested @ points in novel accepts nessarose turtle heart s daughter , not own—he still holds dear heart result of own personal love turtle heart, , suggested may love more because of it. in musical adaptation, nessarose born arms, legs paralyzed; , elphaba rather glinda enchants shoes. in both novel , musical shoes given dorothy glinda upon death of nessarose, , revealed elphaba s jealousy (now late) father s love , desire hold on shred of family connection catalyst manic drive acquire sister s shoes dorothy. in original broadway production of musical, role played michelle federer.

fiyero tigelaar / tiggular

fiyero prince of arjiki tribe in vinkus (derogatorily referred winkie country outsiders). fiyero s ethnicity never mentioned; referred being dark or ochre in colour. arjiki tribe mentioned having ochre skin , wear blue tattoos on faces , bodies. fiyero meets elphaba @ shiz university, , later has romance while involved in resistance movement against wizard of oz. leads apparent murder gale force, wizard s secret police.

in musical, elphaba saves him casting protection spell inadvertently changes him scarecrow, well-known character wizard of oz. last name spelled tiggular in musical, whereas in books, tigelaar .

in original broadway production of musical, played norbert leo butz.


boq munchkin knew elphaba child , reunites @ shiz university. father bfee major of rush margins. @ first, interested in talking elphaba in hope him gain attention of galinda, crush. however, on time boq , elphaba become close friends , dr. dillamond research, along college mates crope , tibbett. later in life, elphaba meets boq while on hunt dorothy along yellow brick road. married milla, 1 of glinda s friends university , 2 have many children. in musical, galinda annoyed constant advances of schoolmate boq. way of escape, galinda encourages boq invite nessarose ozdust ballroom favor her. willing favor, agrees; nessarose becomes obsessed boq , believes destined forever. upon death of father, frex, becomes new governor of munchkinland , enslaves munchkins service in order keep boq near her. when elphaba enchants shoes, giving nessarose power walk, boq declares intentions leave , seek out glinda before marries fiyero. devastated @ boq s final rejection of her, attempts use grimmerie spell make him lose heart her, mispronounces words , causes boq literally lose heart. elphaba s option save boq death turn him tin man. in original broadway production of musical, played christopher fitzgerald.

dorothy gale

dorothy gale 10-year-old girl lands in oz in tornado-propelled house, crushes nessarose. takes nessarose s shoes (the ruby slippers) under advice of glinda. many see these shoes symbol of power on munchkinland. during travels, many citizens of oz superstitious because of these shoes , name: first name sounds reversal of name of king of land (theodore roosevelt). because name means goddess of gifts (the opposite of theodore, gift of god ), implied dorothy may second coming of lurline, known title. gale force fear her last name. wizard sends dorothy kill elphaba, dorothy s intention ask forgiveness killing nessarose. elphaba not know whether treat dorothy kindness or fear her. when elphaba demands slippers, dorothy pleads that, despite best efforts, not come off. dorothy accidentally kills elphaba pouring water on in attempt put out fire on elphaba s dress. dorothy returns in out of oz in elevator, having been thrown oz result of great 1906 san francisco earthquake during vacation uncle henry , aunt em. upon return, 2 generations later in oz years, s grown 6 years, being 16, , put on trial murder of thropp sisters. s portrayed flighty, maturing time goes on, although retains tendency burst song, ozians find irritating point able use threat later in book. further threat of bringing down entire city block upon enemies causes nervousness among ozians, giving enough respect people moments before had given bordering lunacy. becomes tentative friends rain, elphaba s granddaughter, uses spell grimmerie send home @ end of book. dorothy present in musical has no lines , never distinctly seen. revealed in musical storm spawned twister intentional act of madame morrible (who has power on weather) in conspiratorial attempt wizard trap elphaba. however, in helsinki city theatre production (2010-2011) dorothy appears several times throughout musical in key scenes, such in cornfields skipping happily along road paved yellow bricks , in melting scene throwing water @ elphaba. s portrayed saara aalto.


yackle mysterious crone appears in elphaba s life. elphaba suspects yackle may exerting control on fate, , may kumbricia, ambivalent goddess of ozian myth. appearance reminiscent of fiend called yakal pictured in grimmerie, implying may demon. nanny first mentions old gypsy woman whom bought medicine, stop melena’s second child being born green. later, appears old woman guarding door philosophy club , later still, appears mother yackle, maunt (a sort of ozian nun) @ mauntery (a unionist convent) takes care of homeless elphaba. yackle s story more explored in lion among men, in secondary protagonist. yackle first appears in mausoleum under mauntery after attempting die finds apparently immortal. blinded cherrystone during interrogation find liir refused tell him. clock of time dragon later reveals angel born grimmerie , can die if reenters book. yackle possesses ability see future, explains because has no past memories cloud mind.

nor illianora tigelaar

nor youngest child , daughter of fiyero , sarima. when first introduced, nine-year-old girl resides mother, siblings, , 5 aunts @ kiamo ko. bullied brother manek; nor , other brother irji have work stand manek. after manek s death, codependent bond had existed between nor , irji disappears, , nor becomes more independent. nor enjoys snooping around elphaba s room , possessions, , first makes elphaba see broom magical. towards end of novel, , family taken captive gale force. while others killed out of political considerations, nor held prisoner (in cruel fashion) wizard , used blackmail elphaba. in son of witch, liir goes in search of , finds out escaped southstair prison, figures out 1 has been writing message ‘elphaba lives’ around emerald city. returns in lion among men illianora . reappears in out of oz wife of brrr , member of company of clock of time dragon. takes on motherly role half-niece, rain, returns her parents, candle , liir.

ozma tip tippetarius

ozma tippetarius daughter of pastorius , ozma bilious. ruling monarchy passes down female line, when mother died, ozma’s father pastorius became ozma regent, ruling oz until daughter old enough take throne. infant age of elphaba @ start of wicked. when wizard usurps thone, people believe murdered father. others believe has been enchanted sleep of eternal youth, , concealed within cave many believe return in oz’s darkest hour. revealed in out of oz mombey kidnapped , put enchantment upon disguise boy , make age @ slower rate. tip, travels neighbouring lands of ix , fliaan, mombey. tip makes brief appearance in son of witch when liir comes across him , mombey travelling through outback of north quadling country. appears in out of oz rain finds him hiding in wardrobe in room @ st. prowd s. appears older did when liir met him, being similar age rain @ present time. both rain , tip develop feelings each other until rain breaks enchantment turning ozma girl. character appears in baum s marvelous land of oz, full name given tippetarius . maguire refers in both novels when refers ruler ozma tippetarius .

cattery nanny spunge

nanny member of thropp family, though whether blood or employment never explicitly revealed. conclusion of book, has raised 3 generations of thropps, notably having acted chaperone nessarose, elphaba, , glinda during years @ shiz. still vital eighties. attitude reflects this, stoic, speaks mind, , holds inflammatory lurlinistic pagan beliefs. in lion among men, yackle reveals full name cattery spunge. 1 have witnessed aftermath of elphaba’s death refuses reveal truth.

brother frexspar godly

brother frexspar godly elphaba, nessarose, , shell s father (at least in emotional , physical sense; whether shares genetic link elphaba or nessarose questionable). frex devout unionist priest. nessarose favorite child, , gave famous jeweled slippers. implied @ least father of shell, wizard of oz elphaba s father, , heavily implied turtle heart nessarose s father. implied he, along melena, in polyamorous relationship turtle heart. in l. frank baum s original novel, slippers silver. in 1939 film, ruby. maguire s novel describes slippers equivocally, allowing either interpretation; careful not describe them either silver or ruby . in original broadway production of musical, role of frex played sean mccourt.

melena thropp

melena thropp mother of elphaba, nessarose, , shell. melena comes high-class family, , has pagan traditions, in contradiction beliefs of husband, frex. has loose morals—having had @ least 2 extramarital affairs—and, despite having rebelled against them @ time, yearns pampered days of youth. melena has taste alcohol , pinlobble leaves (which act tranquiliser). dies shortly after son shell born, leaving children cared frex , nanny. has sister sophelia, deranged. mother lady partha , grandfather peerless eminent thropp, governs munchkinland.

in musical, elphaba reveals glinda mother died in childbirth - possible side effect of remedy took prevent second child, nessarose, being born green skin. shell non-existent in musical.

doctor dillamond

doctor dillamond talking goat , professor @ crage hall in shiz. assisted elphaba, dr. dillamond conducts research on genetic differences between animals , animals (sentient animals). not long before comes pivotal point in research, dillamond discovered dead in laboratory, throat slit. official findings of ensuing investigation , spearheaded madame morrible, conclude doctor s untimely demise result of unfortunate lab accident; these findings contradicted galinda’s chaperone, ama clutch, claims have witnessed event. ama clutch, though curiously not in right mind since accident , asserts morrible s clockwork servant grommetik murdered dillamond, presumably keep dillamond publishing results of breakthrough research. in original broadway production of musical, doctor dillamond portrayed william youmans.

mister boss

mister boss dwarf claims immortal sent oz prevent grimmerie returning earth. clock of time dragon, seems elphaba either able control fate or predict it. plays larger role in out of oz, becoming part of accidental family rain, although loses none of blunt attitude. marries sister apothecaire after leaves mauntery, renaming little daffy . has strong feelings towards clock of time dragon , upset when refuses speak him anymore. after destruction in out of oz becomes silent, of characters pick on, wife manages gain new sense of purpose. travels brrr munchkinland rescue dorothy.

chistery nikko, killyjoy, bees, , crows

chistery nikko, killyjoy, bees, , crows animals accompany elphaba on way kiamo ko coach, , become familiars. bees taken along source of honey travelers, , suggested through dormant magical talent, elphaba unconsciously sets them upon coach cook, whom dislikes , later found stung death @ edge of cliff. killyjoy, cook s dog, takes instant liking liir, decides keep him. princess nastoya gives crows elphaba, , tells elphaba send them if needs anything. princess nastoya tells elphaba directly familiars. on way kiamo ko, run across chistery nikko, abandoned infant snow monkey, whom elphaba rescues through unconscious act of magic (she creates ice under feet runs across pond save him killyjoy). later in novel, elphaba teaches him speak, in hopes of completing doctor dillamond s study supposed connections between lifeforms. in wicked, manages mimic others say, although gains ability speak in full, comprehensible sentences time readers meet him again in son of witch. elphaba sews wings onto back—and, after operation proves successful, onto backs of other monkeys—using combination of doctor dillamond s studies , own practice of magic, creating winged monkeys. elphaba sets bees on dorothy , friends attempt reach kiamo ko scarecrow manages fend them off , kill them. sets killjoy , children on them tin woodsman cuts down axe. sends crows off ask princess nastoya , flying monkeys pick lion , dorothy. monkeys successful, crows attacked nocturnal rocs before able reach princess. leaves chistery , monkeys surviving familiars. after elphaba’s death, chistery remain @ kiamo ko other monkeys , looks after nanny. in musical, wizard deceives elphaba reading spell grimmerie; spell causes wings grow backs of army of monkeys. discovering wizard s intent use them spy upon people of oz stamp out resistance dictatorship, elphaba turns against him , vows stop him. in original broadway production of musical, role of chistery played manuel herrera.

candle osqa’ami

a quadling girl speaks, , in native tongue, qua ati (though understands other speech). raised in ovvels, , relatives became itinerants. left @ cloister of saint glinda uncle, , ends working in kitchen under sister cook. becomes skilled player on domingon, quadling musical instrument (pictured douglas smith on title page of first section of book, under jackal moon) – @ 1 point, has trio of farm animals singing accompaniment. has talent reading present. after leaving cloister liir, remains @ apple press farm until end of novel. assists liir in lifting princess nastoya’s enhcantment. liir believes candle fled farm lead away army newborn, knowing liir return take care of baby. in out of oz revealed in hiding liir in homeland.

trism bon cavalish

trism comes gillikinese farming family, , attended st. prowd s school. petty fife in home guard s musical corps when first meets liir , tells him how enlist in army. when liir encounters him again, before deployment qhoyre, minor menacier, involved in animal husbandry in development of defense, later becoming prime menacier. animals turn out dragons, trism has great skill @ training (becoming chief dragon master), although extremely distressed @ tasks trains them. helps liir destroy dragons, , while fleeing enraged home guard, 2 engage in romantic relationship. later rescued mauntery glinda , travels applepress farm happens between him , candle, candle refuses tell liir. liir believes may have fallen candle or have been jealous of her. in out of oz liir discovers being forced work mombey, rearing dragon army attack emerald city.

sister apothecaire

a maunt in cloister of saint glinda, , professional rival of sister doctor; not think highly of each other s medical skills. sister apothecaire munchkin acted matron s assistant @ respite of incurables in emerald city. both sisters give liir small chance of recovery when arrives @ cloister. superior maunt sends them on mission in vinkus partly stop them fussing on injured liir. appears in ‘’a lion among men’’ locks brrr, yackle , company of clock in room in mauntery, before leaving other maunts. later returns free them before tripping , bumping head. mr boss decides take them when leave. in out of oz , mr boss married , travel rain find parents, later goes brrr munchkinland rescue dorothy. @ dorothy s trial, reveals full name daffodil scully, , present @ death of nessarose thropp.


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