Subspecies Common pheasant

chinese ringneck-type male (note grey rump) pale female, illustrating dramatic difference in both color , size between sexes per sexual dimorphism.

there 30 subspecies in 5 (sometimes six) groups. these can identified according male plumage, namely presence or absence of white neck-ring , color of uppertail (rump) , wing coverts. noted above, introduced population in our time mix alleles of various races in various amounts, differing according original stock used introductions , natural selection according climate , habitat has made of that.

an investigation genetic relationships of subspecies revealed earliest subspecies have been elegans, suggesting common pheasant originated forests of southeastern china. initial divergence thought have occurred around 3.4 mya. lack of agreement between morphology-based subspecies delimitation , genetic relationships thought attributed past isolation followed more recent population mixing pheasant has expanded range across western palaearctic.

sometimes species split central asian common , east asian ring-necked pheasants, separated arid , high mountainous regions of turkestan. however, while western , eastern populations entirely separate during zyryanka glaciation when deserts more extensive, separation not long enough actual speciation occur. today, largest variety of color patterns found western , eastern populations mix, expected. females cannot identified subspecies group certainty.

the subspecies groups, going west east, , notable subspecies are:


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