Arcobaleno List of Reborn! characters

1 arcobaleno

1.1 luce
1.2 aria
1.3 colonnello
1.4 skull
1.5 viper
1.6 lal mirch
1.7 fon
1.8 verde


the arcobaleno (which means rainbow in italian) group of 7 strongest infants, each possesses pacifier colored 1 of colors of rainbow, each color corresponding dying flame. pacifiers glow when member nears arcobaleno. transformed adults current forms, having sacrificed in order protect ultimate power 7³ (tri-ni-sette). each of them gained own curse , specific abilities, , able emit dying flame throughout entire body.


luce (ルーチェ, rūche) first holder of orange pacifier of sky. boss of giglio nero family before daughter , granddaughter, aria , yuni respectively. close friend of reborn. predecessors, has ability of clairvoyance, enabling see visions of future, , 1 knew of fate become arcobaleno. becoming sky arcobaleno, curse not changed baby, shortened life span. afterwards, died , passed arcobaleno title daughter, aria.


aria second holder of orange pacifier of sky, succeeding mother, luce. after mother s death, became giglio nero boss, forming close bond subordinates, gamma. in future, month before merging between giglio nero , gesso, succumbed curse , died, passing arcobaleno title , giglio nero young daughter, yuni. in anime, when tsuna , friends temporarily returned past arcobaleno seals in order open sky vongola box, aria 1 test tsuna in sky arcobaleno trial. in trial, treats tsuna errand boy whole day in order test tolerance. after watching tsuna doesn t least bit suspicious of , protected enemies, aria passes him , gives him arcobaleno seal. few days before representative battle of rainbow, aria retired position arcobaleno give daughter, yuni, chance curse broken, resulting death.


colonnello (コロネロ, koronero) holder of blue pacifier of rain. though not part of original 7 arcobaleno, attained blue pacifier after attempting take lal s place on day turned babies. in charge of training ground behind mafia land , former member of comsubin, not averse using heavy artillery, using anti-tank rifle primary weapon. animal partner falcon named falco, rests atop head , can him fly distant places. colonnello acts rival towards reborn , vice versa, despite this, shares many traits reborn, being merciless tutor, taking naps, , having sharp tongue. trains ryohei in preparation vongola tournament, , in future, said have died trying protect viper. voiced daisuke nakamura in anime.


skull (スカル, skaru) holder of purple pacifier of cloud. head of combat forces of calcassa family, skull wears full leather outfit , motorcycle helmet, copied subordinates. pet giant armored octopus tentacles follow hand , finger movements. implied not powerful of infant reborn, , colonnello whom calls senpais, , looked down upon , ridiculed two. reborn considers skull being lackey , skull, dismay, not deny fact person lackey reborn. before skull became arcobaleno, stunt man , nickname skull hell due seemingly immortal body. during arcobaleno representative battle, severely injured bermuda, takes place in battle. voiced tetsuya yanagihara in anime.


viper (バイパー, baipā) holder of indigo pacifier of mist. he/she member of elite assassination team, varia, under name mammon (マーモン, māmon). known arcobaleno s best spellcaster, viper has ability cast illusions, being able locate person sneezing piece of paper (he carries roll of paper him); spit or mucus sticks paper shows map leading desired person. has black frog named fantasma lies on top of head. turning yellow salamander , biting tail (similar oroborus symbol of alchemy , magic), forms halo above him, fantasma can give mammon ability fly in combat. claims have been trying break arcobaleno curse, , had sealed pacifier other arcobaleno cannot sense him. he/she has created chain conceals power of arcobaleno pacifiers, ring flames . during vongola tournament, defeats chrome, however, defeated mukuro once latter takes possession of chrome s body. he/she said dead in future, colonello first perishing spares own life trying protect him/her. later on ginger bread had stated, he/she died purposely, himself had said there no other way out. voiced rumi shishido in anime.

lal mirch

lal mirch (ラル・ミルチ, raru miruchi) holder of corrupted pacifier. female member of arcobaleno states cannot live arcobaleno name, considering herself 1 of weakest members. due curse being incomplete after colonnello, former subordinate in comsubin, attempted take place. incomplete transformation clouded pacifier, , caused original rain energy change both mist , cloud energies, causing scars on face. also, if not use arcobaleno powers, curse gradually disappear, why becomes adult again. however, upon using arcobaleno powers in future, pacifier glows blue, , states pacifier supposed blue pacifier colonnello attained. part of vongola s cedef, or outside advisors. according reborn, shows emotions , readable. voiced masami suzuki in anime.


fon (風, fong) i-pin s master holder of red pacifier of storm. bears striking resemblance hibari in grown form, peace-loving, polite, , kind others, contrasts hibari s violent , fierce attitude. shown 1 of wisest , strongest of arcobaleno , seems know going on. martial arts master, , champion top martial arts. masters @ least 104 martial arts main , strongest art exploding gale fist said invincible.


verde (ヴェルデ, verude) holder of green pacifier of thunder , 1 of 3 creators of box weapons. appearing scientist, verde more interested in studies in curse of rainbow, indicated during curse of rainbow arc when reveals participating give reborn scare. revealed reborn never trusted him, nor viewed him ally due obsession science. pet green crocodile.


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