Early modern age .281526.E2.80.931700.29 History of Hungary

the kingdom of hungary, principality of upper hungary , principality of transylvania in 17th century.

after ottomans achieved first decisive victory on hungarian army @ battle of mohács in 1526, forces conquered large parts of kingdom of hungary , continued expansion until 1556. period characterized political chaos. divided hungarian nobility elected 2 kings simultaneously, jános szapolyai (r. 1526–1540, of hungarian-german origin) , austrian ferdinand of habsburg (r. 1527–1540). armed conflicts between new rival monarchs further weakened country. turkish conquest of buda in 1541, hungary riven 3 parts.

the siege of eger (1552), in 2,000 hungarians fought against close 35,000–40,000 turk warriors. battle finished hungarian victory.

the northwestern part of old kingdom of hungary (present-day slovakia, western transdanubia , burgenland, plus western croatia , parts of present-day northeastern hungary) remained under habsburg rule realm of king ferdinand. although independent, later become part of habsburg monarchy under informal name royal hungary. habsburg emperors on crowned kings of hungary. turks unable conquer northern , western parts of hungary.

the eastern part of kingdom (partium , transylvania) @ first became independent principality, gradually brought under turkish rule vassal state of ottoman empire. remaining central area (most of present-day hungary), including capital of buda, became province of ottoman empire. of land devastated recurrent warfare. small hungarian settlements disappeared. rural people living in new ottoman provinces survive in larger settlements known khaz towns, owned , protected directly sultan. turks indifferent christian denominations practiced hungarian subjects.

for reason, majority of hungarians living under ottoman rule became protestant (largely calvinist), habsburg counter-reformation efforts not penetrate ottoman lands. largely throughout time, pozsony (in german, pressburg, today bratislava) acted capital of kingdom of hungary (1536–1784), town in hungarian kings crowned (1563–1830) , seat of diet of hungary (1536–1848). nagyszombat (modern trnava) acted in turn religious center beginning in 1541. vast majority of soldiers in service in ottoman fortresses in territory of hungary orthodox , muslim balkan slavs, instead of ethnic turkish people. southern slavs served akıncıs , other light troops intended pillaging in territory of present-day hungary.

in 1558 transylvanian diet of turda declared free practice of both catholic , lutheran religions, prohibited calvinism. in 1568, diet extended freedom, declaring that, not allowed intimidate captivity or expulsion religion . 4 religions declared accepted (recepta), while orthodox christianity tolerated (though building of stone orthodox churches forbidden). when hungary entered thirty years war of 1618–48, royal (habsburg) hungary joined catholic side, transylvania joined protestant side.

in 1686, 2 years after unsuccessful battle of buda, renewed european campaign started re-take hungarian capital. time, army of holy league twice large, @ on 74,000 men, including german, croat, dutch, hungarian, english, spanish, czech, italian, french, burgundian, danish , swedish soldiers, along other europeans volunteers, artilleryman, , officers, , christian forces reconquered buda in second battle of buda. second battle of mohács (1687) crushing defeat turks. in next few years, of former hungarian lands, except areas near timişoara (temesvár), taken turks. @ end of 17th century, transylvania became part of hungary again. in treaty of karlowitz of 1699, these territorial changes officially recognised, , in 1718, entire kingdom of hungary removed ottoman rule.

ethnic impact of ottoman wars

as consequence of constant warfare between hungarians , ottoman turks, population growth stunted , network of medieval settlements urbanized bourgeois inhabitants perished. 150 years of turkish wars fundamentally changed ethnic composition of hungary. result of demographic losses, including deportations , massacres, number of ethnic hungarians @ end of turkish period substantially diminished.


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