External links Philo

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quotations wikiquote
texts wikisource

lecture on philo judaeus of alexandria: jews in greek world dr. henry abramson
preface original edition of yonge s translation . earlyjewishwritings.com. 1854–1855. 
* crawford howell toy; carl siegfried; jacob zallel lauterbach (1901–1906). philo judæus . in singer, isidore; et al. jewish encyclopedia. new york: funk & wagnalls company. 
bréhier, emile (1911). philo judæus . catholic encyclopedia. 12. new york: robert appleton company. 
hillar, marian (april 21, 2005). philo of alexandria . internet encyclopedia of philosophy. 
philo judaeus (jewish philosopher) . encyclopædia britannica. 
studia philonica annual . society of biblical literature. 
bradshaw, rob. philo of alexandria . earlychurch.org.uk. 
seland, torrey. philo resource page 3.1 . torreys.org. 
seland, torrey. philonica et neotestamentica . bibicalresources.wordpress.com. 
philo of alexandria . earlyjewishwritings.com. 
open source xml versions of philo s works have been made available open greek , latin project @ university of leipzig. english translations of philo s writings available here.

philo-judaeus of alexandria @ project gutenberg
works or philo @ internet archive


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