Official opposition Tim Hudak

hudak speaking outside queen s park pc candidates

in midst of fall 2009 legislative session, hudak launched 1 of first major platform pieces, pc caucus small business jobs plan, stated essential ontario s economic recovery. during fall of 2009, hudak , party ramped opposition harmonized sales tax (hst). hst, came effect july 1, 2010, blended previous 8 per cent provincial sales tax 5 per cent goods , services tax (gst).

by end of 2009, polls indicated under hudak s leadership, ontario pc party jumped distant second double-digit lead. party’s first year under hudak’s leadership wrapped conservative’s northern ontario jobs plan, plan restore jobs , economic growth ontario’s vast north. big picture here [when] developing economies china , india grow, , american economy rebounds, there massive appetite ontario’s wood products , minerals , other resources , hudak said.

hudak criticized mcguinty’s government’s approach on ontario s nuclear industry. in line plan north, hudak commented “reducing northern ontario s high energy costs key making industries there more profitable , preventing future mill closures.”

in march 2010 by-elections, tories retained retired mpp bob runciman s riding of leeds-grenville, boosting support 19 points 67 per cent of vote. party lost second race in ottawa west-nepean former ottawa mayor , former mpp bob chiarelli, although improved showing on results of 2007 election. in third by-election held in toronto centre on same day, progressive conservative candidate came in third fifteen percent of vote.

later in april, hudak , ontario pc party focused question period on local health integrated network (lhin), system of regional health authorities established mcguinty government. offering examples of sole-sourced contracting, hudak hammered government broken promises , removing money front-line care. said amount of money paid out in six-figure salaries lhin executives , managers had doubled since 2006, , promised dissolve lhins if win ontario general election in 2011.

on canada day, 2010, controversial harmonized sales tax (hst) came effect across province of ontario. tim hudak responded saying, “dalton mcguinty best, raising taxes on hard-working families. people feel @ first @ pumps overnight. next hit on utility bills.

hudak vowed eliminate eco-tax, fee on environmentally harmful products brought in mcguinty, if elected premier.

in august 2010, ontario ombudsman andré marin exposed bylaw enables local health bureaucrats hold closed-door meetings on hospital closures. controversial decisions on hospital restructuring in niagara-area health unit open judicial review due use of bylaw hamilton niagara haldimand brant local health integration network. in response marin s report, hudak committed abolish lhins , redirect $200 million in savings health system.

on may 26, 2011, hudak proposed highly controversial plan implement mandatory street-cleaning work gangs made of provincial inmates, replacing current voluntary programs. program described modern-day chain gangs hudak s critics, pointed out such program costly implement , pose significant security risks public, along eliminating these entry-level jobs paid workforce.

a nanos research poll released on august 16, 2011 found fewer 1 in 4 voters describe hudak trustworthy leader. among women, number 1 in five.

hudak faced criticism party members after progressive conservatives won 1 out of 5 seats being contested in series of by-elections on august 1, 2013. 10 party members petitioned party allow leadership review @ party s policy convention in fall , 2 mpps, frank klees , randy hillier, have called on hudak allow review proceed.

in april 2014, hudak , fellow mpp lisa macleod being sued libel ontario premier kathleen wynne saying “oversaw , possibly ordered criminal destruction of [gas plant] documents.” wynne denies had knowledge or involvement of allegations made. hudak , pc face subsequent lawsuit on statements made on website brought forward working families coalition. group has funded attack ads (with union financial backing), , been accused pc party of supporting liberal party.


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