Bibliography Chana Bloch

1 bibliography

1.1 poetry collections
1.2 translations
1.3 scholarship

poetry collections

swimming in rain: new , selected poems, autumn house press (2015) isbn 9781938769009
blood honey, autumn house press (2009) isbn 9781932870336
mrs. dumpty, university of wisconsin press (1998) isbn 9780299160043
the past keeps changing, sheep meadow press (1992) isbn 9781878818157
the secrets of tribe, sheep meadow press (1981) isbn 9780935296143


hovering @ low altitude: collected poetry of dahlia ravikovitch, chana kronfeld. w.w. norton (2009)
open closed open, yehuda amichai, chana kronfeld. harcourt brace (2000)
yehuda amichai: selected poetry, stephen mitchell. harper & row (1986). revised , expanded edition, university of california press (1996)
the song of songs, ariel bloch. random house (1995). reprinted, university of california press (1998)
the window, dahlia ravikovitch, ariel bloch. sheep meadow press (1989)
a dress of fire, dahlia ravikovitch. sheep meadow press (1978)


spelling word: george herbert , bible, university of california press (1985)

^ yehuda amichai, 1924–2000 . poetry foundation. 


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