Haeckel.27s classification Monera

tree of life in generelle morphologie der organismen (1866)

traditionally natural world classified animal, vegetable, or mineral in systema naturae. after development of microscope, attempts made fit microscopic organisms either plant or animal kingdoms. in 1676, antonie van leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria , called them animalcules, assigning them class vermes of animalia. due limited tools — sole references group shape, behaviour, , habitat — description of genera , classification extremely limited, accentuated perceived lack of importance of group.

ten years after origin of species charles darwin, in 1866 ernst haeckel, supporter of evolution, proposed three-kingdom system added protista new kingdom contained microscopic organisms. 1 of 8 major divisions of protista composed of monerans (called moneres haeckel), defined structureless , homogeneous organisms, consisting of piece of plasma. haeckel s monera included not bacterial groups of discovery several small eukaryotic organisms; in fact genus vibrio bacterial genus explicitly assigned phylum, while others mentioned indirectly, led copeland speculate haeckel considered bacteria belong genus vibrio, ignoring other bacterial genera. 1 notable exception members of modern phylum cyanobacteria, such nostoc, placed in phylum archephyta of algae (vide infra: blue-green algae).

the neolatin noun monera , german noun moneren/moneres derived ancient greek noun moneres () haeckel states mean simple , means single, solitary . haeckel describes protist genus monas in 2 pages monera in 1866 book. informal name of member of monera moneron, later moneran used.

due lack of features, phylum not subdivided, genera therein divided 2 groups:

die gymnomoneren (no envelope [sic.]): gymnomonera

protogenes — such protogenes primordialis, unidentified amoeba (eukaryote) , not bacterium
protamaeba — incorrectly described/fabricated species
vibrio — genus of comma-shaped bacteria first described in 1854
bacterium — genus of rod-shaped bacteria first described in 1828. haeckel not explicitly assign genus monera.
bacillus — genus of spore-forming rod-shaped bacteria first described in 1835 haeckel not explicitly assign genus monera kingdom.
spirochaeta — thin spiral-shaped bacteria first described in 1835 haeckel not explicitly assign genus monera.
spirillum — spiral-shaped bacteria first described in 1832 haeckel not explicitly assign genus monera.
etc.: haeckel provide comprehensive list.

die lepomoneren (with envelope): lepomonera

protomonas — identified synonym of monas, flagellated protozoan, , not bacterium. name reused in 1984 unrelated genus of bacteria.
vampyrella — classed eukaryote , not bacterium.

^ ernst heinrich philipp august haeckel (1867). generelle morphologie der organismen. reimer, berlin. isbn 1-144-00186-2. 
^ van leeuwenhoek (1684). abstract of letter mr. anthony leevvenhoek @ delft, dated sep. 17, 1683, containing microscopical observations, animals in scurf of teeth, substance call d worms in nose, cuticula consisting of scales . philosophical transactions (1683–1775). 14 (155–166): 568–574. doi:10.1098/rstl.1684.0030. retrieved 2007-08-19. 
^ van leeuwenhoek (1700). part of letter mr antony van leeuwenhoek, concerning worms in sheeps livers, gnats, , animalcula in excrements of frogs (pdf). philosophical transactions (1684–1775). 22 (260–276): 509–518. doi:10.1098/rstl.1700.0013. retrieved 2007-08-19. 
^ van leeuwenhoek (1702). part of letter mr antony van leeuwenhoek, f. r. s. concerning green weeds growing in water, , animalcula found them . philosophical transactions (1683–1775). 23 (277–288): 1304–11. doi:10.1098/rstl.1702.0042. retrieved 2007-08-19. 
^ don j. brenner; noel r. krieg; james t. staley (july 26, 2005) [1984(williams & wilkins)]. george m. garrity, ed. introductory essays. bergey s manual of systematic bacteriology. 2a (2nd ed.). new york: springer. p. 304. isbn 978-0-387-24143-2. british library no. gba561951. 
^ cite error: named reference copeland1938 invoked never defined (see page).
^ woese, c. r. (1987). bacterial evolution . microbiological reviews. 51 (2): 221–271. pmc 373105 . pmid 2439888. 
^ μονήρης. liddell, henry george; scott, robert; greek–english lexicon @ perseus project.
^ francis polkinghorne pascoe (1880). zoological classification; handy book of reference tables of subkingdoms, classes, orders, etc., of animal kingdom, characters , lists of families , principal genera. 
^ cite error: named reference britannia invoked never defined (see page).
^ pacini (f.): osservazione microscopiche e deduzioni patologiche sul cholera asiatico. gazette medicale de italiana toscano firenze, 1854, 6, 405-412.
^ ehrenberg (c.g.): dritter beitrag zur erkenntniss grosser organisation in der richtung des kleinsten raumes. physikalische abhandlungen der koeniglichen akademie der wissenschaften zu berlin aus den jahren 1833-1835, 1835, pp. 143-336.
^ ehrenberg (c.g.): dritter beitrag zur erkenntniss grosser organisation in der richtung des kleinsten raumes. abhandlungen der preussischen akademie der wissenschaften (berlin) aus den jahre 1833-1835, pp. 143-336.
^ ehrenberg (c.g.): beiträge zur kenntnis der organization der infusorien und ihrer geographischen verbreitung besonders in sibirien. abhandlungen der koniglichen akademie der wissenschaften zu berlin, 1832, 1830, 1-88.
^ protomonas entry in lpsn [euzéby, j.p. (1997). list of bacterial names standing in nomenclature: folder available on internet . int j syst bacteriol. 47 (2): 590–2. doi:10.1099/00207713-47-2-590. issn 0020-7713. pmid 9103655. ]


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