The Hachibushu List of Legend of Heavenly Sphere Shurato characters

1 hachibushu

1.1 shurato, king shura
1.2 gai, king yasha
1.3 reiga, king karura
1.4 hyūga, king ten
1.5 ryōma, king ryū
1.6 renge, queen naara
1.7 kūya, king dappa
1.8 dan, king hiba

the hachibushu

in world of tenkūkai, 8 legions (八部衆, hachibushū) group of 8 mystical warriors of legend (inspired traditional 8 guardians of buddhism tradition). presumably, same people repeatedly reincarnated without memories of former lives. primary purpose defend leader of tenkūkai, lady vishnu , rest of tenkūkai forces of evil called asura gods. alternatively called deva gods, seemingly based on both hindu deva deities , buddhist supernatural beings. extremely powerful, possessing large quantities of sohma (光流 sōma), inner essence source of power, , politically high-ranked, taking direct orders indrah , vishnu herself.

each of hachibushu possesses shakti (神甲冑, shakuti) (or shakuty), small statue/totem (known veda (ヴェーダ, vedas)) serves sohma container, lantern , body armor, modeled after various mythical beings. holding shaktis , chanting specific mantra, of hachibushu can transform super-powered version of themselves, clad in mystical armor modeled after animal, , wielding legendary weapon. while in armor form, hachibushu stronger, tougher, , can manipulate sohma extremely powerful techniques. multiple hachibushu can work combine techniques. hachibushu can cause partial transformation of shakti, turning not armor valuda (バルダ, varda), flying mobile platform green fireball-shaped wheels/thrusters on both sides used rapid transportation.

during course of anime, 2 of hachibushu, shurato , hyūga, framed petrification of vishnu , assumed evil. persuade 2 other hachibushu, ryōma , reiga cause. these 4 become hachibushu, whereas other 4 become primary antagonists in show.

shurato, king shura

hidaka shurato (日高秋亜人), shura-ō shurato (修羅王シュラト) , : su・ra・to, in siddhaṃ script.

voiced by: toshihiko seki

shurato hidaka or shura-ō shurato, main character , protagonist of show. 16-year-old earth, shurato brash, reckless, rude, impatient, , lazy individual. however, brave, compassionate, , pure-hearted, , resolve becomes backbone of hachibushu on quest , rallying point of protagonists. unfit behavior hero remarked upon many characters. accomplished martial arts, trait becomes useful in time on tenkūkai.

when first discovers reincarnation of god on tenkūkai, , destined fight asura gods, shurato reluctant involved, although find lady vishnu extremely attractive. however, after witnessing fight between reiga , ryōma, shurato resolves join fight in order prevent best friends fighting each other , restore peace in tenkūkai. other primary motivation discovering happened best friend gai.

shurato , gai have been best friends since high school, seemingly unlikely pair due drastically differing personalities, 2 extremely loyal each other. both martial arts masters, depicted perfect equals, , teleported tenkūkai in midst of tournament round battle. shurato best friend of gai , knows never intentionally harm living being, extremely confused , distraught when changed gai attempts kill him , others repeatedly. shurato resolves return gai normal, act attempts several times fails.

his shakti armor inspired lion-like shura being, , weapons vajra - one-handed club-like weapon , ceremonial object - , shield. shurato has not been trained in fighting styles , techniques of hachibushu, 1 of 8 @ first not know how manipulate sohma correctly , perform sohma techniques. however, substitutes earth-trained martial arts instead, , taught utilize full potential of powers.

later, revealed shurato 1 of successors of brahma, creator of tenkūkai , presumably earth. brahma sacrificed mortal form seal away asura gods 10,000 years prior events of anime, leaving behind sacred shakti, bestow godlike powers wielder. gai successor brahma, 2 best friends battle control of artifact, shurato being victor. however, cannot use it, in order unleash power of brahma, there must balance between light , dark, shurato representing light , gai representing dark. means shurato , gai must work use power of brahma.


shura s demon destroying fist (修羅魔破拳, shura mah ha-ken)

shura s demon destroying vajra attack (修羅金剛魔破拳, shura kongō mah ha-ken)

demonic wolf s gale sword (疾風魔狼剣, shippū marōken)

beast king s maṇḍala formation – lion s face (獣王曼陀羅陣・獅子の面, jyū-ō mandara-jin – shishi no men)

gai, king yasha

kuroki gai (黒木凱), yasha-ō gai (夜叉王ガイ)

voiced takehito koyasu

gai kuroki or yasha-ō gai, 1 of major antagonists of show , primary character. best friend of shurato on earth, became worst enemy on tenkūkai. second person find shurato after teleported tenkūkai (the first being lakshu), , attempts kill him. shurato not know how use sohma correctly, defeated, before can killed, gai fought off reiga. gai s apparent hatred shurato confuses hero throughout show.

gai brother of sorts shurato on earth, having been friends , companions since childhood. shurato, martial arts master, unlike reckless, brash shurato, focused on complete offense, calm , pacifist gai practiced entirely defensive style. 2 equals, record between them of 30 wins , 30 losses each. gai extremely compassionate, having once nursed pigeon health amongst other various deeds.

however, on tenkūkai, gai exhibits different personality, full of hatred , rage towards shurato , willingness hurt , kill in path. sadistic gai confuses shurato, attempts reason him instead of fight him, unwilling hurt best friend. gai utilizes dark sohma (marked dark blue coloring instead of normal golden), shurato realizes gai under influence of asura gods , attempts free him, unsuccessful.

later, revealed when vishnu teleported shurato , gai earth, shiva managed disrupt spell, kidnapping gai , causing shurato randomly land somewhere in tenkūkai in process. captive gai filled shiva s dark sohma, corrupting him , turning him evil warrior of anime. shiva did she/he knew gai 1 of successors of brahma, intending groom him his/her champion obtain power of creator god.

his shakti armor inspired yasha wolf-like being, , weapons longsword, large chackram (that adorns of shakti) , shield. apparently powerful of hachibushu, able match 4 others @ once in battle, although may result of blessings shiva. attempts kill shurato multiple times fails. comes close obtaining power of brahma, fails in also. although shurato works hard return gai normal, unsuccessful until end, when released gai combines power shurato s summon armor of brahma , defeat shiva. gai dies in battle, appearing later voice , flashback.

techniques: demonic wolf s gale sword (疾風魔狼剣, shippū marōken)

reiga, king karura

karura-ō reiga (迦楼羅王レイガ)

voiced by: kazuhiko inoue

karura-ō reiga hachibushu returns shurato vishnu , teaches him lot tenkūkai, , last join shurato s group of hachibushu. extremely intelligent, reiga skilled in manipulation of sohma , knows of geography of tenkuukai , lore surrounding devas , asura. depicted effeminate, although never stated.

reiga @ first appears lazy , laid-back individual, unwilling involved troublesome affairs , not liked of other hachibushu, more devout , diligent. however, demeanor belies intelligent , serious mind, , reiga calculative , perceptive individual. discovers truth behind conspiracy on own, realizing indrah actual culprit , shurato innocent.

reiga respects like-minded kūya, both intelligent , masters of manipulating sohma. 2 pitted against each other while trying open heiseimon gate, reiga refuses fight, instead trying persuade kūya onto side. after exhausting battle, kūya dies in reiga s arms, , resolute reiga vows fight in honor of friend.

his shakti armor inspired phoenix-like karura mythical being, japanese buddhist name of garuda, , weapons pair of large rings , shield. knows techniques of of hachibushu, , of them revolve around feathers or fire aspect of totem animal. not physical-minded warrior, uses rings in sohma techniques rather combat.


karura s feather blizzard (迦楼羅翼吹雪, karura hane-fubuki)

karura s spiritual vision feathers (迦楼羅霊視羽, karura reishiu)

karura s super scattering of spiritual vision feathers (迦楼羅霊視羽超伝播, karura reishiu chōdenban)

karura s wings lightning storm (迦楼羅翼紫嵐, karura yoku-shiran)

karura s fire wings formation (迦楼羅火翼陣, karura kayoku-jin)

beast king s maṇḍala formation – preybird s face (獣王曼陀羅陣・猛禽の面, jyū-ō mandara-jin – mōkin no men)

hyūga, king ten

ten-ō hyūga (天王ヒュウガ)

voiced by: kenyū horiuchi

ten-ō hyūga leader of hachibushu, , devoted follower of vishnu. stalwart fault, hyūga idolized vishnu , indrah , time think of nothing blindly fighting cure vishnu petrification. @ first, hyūga despised shurato due laziness , sacrilege, came regard him friend due similar ideals regarding camaraderie.

hyūga s best friend ryōma, 2 having trained , fought in past point know each other s strategies , techniques heart. when ryōma manipulated thinking hyūga evil, 2 battle, due similar strengths , knowledge of other s abilities, fight standstill. battle convinces shurato join hyūga , vishnu, if prevent best friends having fight each other ever again.

hyūga hinted have feelings renge, never acts on them or informs of feelings. during opening of heiseimon gate, pitted against renge, , after realizing not meant together, regrettably freezes solid , kills her. resolute hyūga vows kill indrah , fight love.

his shakti armor inspired tiger-like deva, mythical beings known in japan ten, , weapons form of nunchaku, of split between kanabō, surujin , chain whip able used either throwing weapon or rope, , shield. many of abilities revolve around ice, , able of creating walls of ice , freezing opponents solid.


deva s demon subduing steel (天王降魔鋼, ten-ō gōmakō)

deva s crystal bind (天王水晶結, ten-ō suishōketsu)

beast king s maṇḍala formation – wild tiger s face (獣王曼陀羅陣・猛虎の面, jyū-ō mandara-jin – mōko no men)

ryōma, king ryū

ryū-ō ryōma (龍王リョウマ)

voiced by: kōichi yamadera

ryū-ō ryōma strongest member of hachibushu, massive warrior , devoted follower of vishnu. ryōma s devotion vishnu trumps trust hyūga, , thinking best friend has somehow been corrupted, ryōma sets out kill hyūga , shurato.

ryōma , hyūga best friends, , 2 exhibit similar personalities. ryōma comes appreciate shurato s ideals well, , forms loyal camaraderie fellow hachibushu. ryōma set fight gai during opening of heiseimon gate, , although group unsuccessful in releasing gai grip of dark masters, event convinces ryōma of shurato s , fighting spirit, , resolves aid him.

his shakti armor inspired dragon-like nāga, , weapons trishula - asian trident - , shield. due immense strength, able of wielding heavy weapon great skill , agility.

techniques: dragon king s blazing halberd (龍王火炎戟, ryū-ō kaen geki)

beast king s maṇḍala formation – dragon s face (獣王曼陀羅陣・龍の面, jyū-ō mandara-jin – ryū no men)

renge, queen naara

nāra-ō renge (那羅王レンゲ)

voiced by: megumi hayashibara

naara-ō renge female member of hachibushu. sole female in field of men, exhibits unreasonable willingness prove strength , superiority others, feminine reiga. target of love mari ichi , hyūga, not reciprocate these feelings in either case.

rather, obsessively in love indrah, being in one-sided relationship blindly follows him when witnesses evidence of evil , betrayal of vishnu. ultimately, seems realize own folly , futility of actions, , allows herself frozen , killed hyuuga, achieving happiness , peace @ last.

her shakti armor inspired unicorn-like kinnara mythical beings, , weapons rose-shaped phurba doubles whip dart in tip , shuriken launcher, , shield. able use blade sort of gun, firing sohma in techniques.


nāra s lonely flower (那羅無双華, nāra musō-ka)

nāra s crimson spiritual petals (那羅朱霊華, nāra shurei-ka)

eight guardians triple ultimate skill (八部衆三練功, hachibushu sanrenkō)

kūya, king dappa

dappa-ō kūya (闥婆王クウヤ)

voiced by: kazuhiro nakata

dappa-ō kūya devout of hachibushu. humble , polite, , seen meditating. pits him against shurato, witnesses him desecrating vishnu s palace on, , convinced of corruption. respected , idolized citizens of tenkūkai.

very intelligent, kūya skilled in manipulation of sohma, able mask , other s sohma or turn invisible. when fights reiga during opening of heiseimon gate, kuuya not convinced of innocence , refuses stop fighting, until shown vision of own sister s death. realizes has been wrong, mortally wounded , late, , dies in arms of friend.

his shakti armor inspired buffalo-like gandharva mythical spirits, known in japan dappa, appropriate due slow , steady nature. weapons 1 or 2 wheel-shaped chakrams , shield, , abilities revolve around summoning , controlling water.


dappa s whirlpool (闥婆水滸輪, dappa suikorin)

dappa s sea-mine piercer (闥婆水雷染, dappa suiraisen)

eight guardians triple ultimate skill (八部衆三練功, hachibushu sanrenkō)

dan, king hiba

hiba-ō dan (比婆王ダン)

voiced by : nobuo tobita

hiba-ō dan strong member of hachibushu. youngest of 5 brothers, dan brash , hot-headed shurato, , seeks prove strength. after meeting vishnu, however, dan became changed man, , obsessively devoted her. such, after petrification, dan more willing fight corrupted ones , kill them.

during opening of heiseimon gate, dan fights shurato, overpowering him , seemingly killing him. however, due actions of lakshu, begins doubt himself, until , shurato clash in final test of power. although evenly matched, dan distracted when pendant given him vishnu broken, , result defeated. last thing dan before dies close hand around pendant, reminder of how life changed woman idolized.

his shakti armor inspired rhinoceros-like hara mythical beings, , weapons parashu - indian battle axe - , shield. powers revolve around earth, able create quicksand , minor earthquakes.


hiba s quicksand surge (比婆流砂洸, hiba ryūsakō)

hiba s earthquake smash (比婆激震破, hiba gekishin-ha)

eight guardians triple ultimate skill (八部衆三練功, hachibushu sanrenkō)


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