Divine command theory Deontological ethics

although not deontologists religious, believe in divine command theory . divine command theory cluster of related theories state action right if god has decreed right. william of ockham, rené descartes , eighteenth-century calvinists accepted versions of moral theory, according ralph cudworth, held moral obligations arise god s commands. divine command theory form of deontology because, according it, rightness of action depends upon action being performed because duty, not because of consequences arising action. if god commands people not work on sabbath, people act rightly if not work on sabbath because god has commanded not so. if not work on sabbath because lazy, action not speaking right , though actual physical action performed same. if god commands not covet neighbour s goods, theory holds immoral so, if coveting provides beneficial outcome of drive succeed or well.

one thing distinguishes kantian deontologism divine command deontology kantianism maintains man, rational being, makes moral law universal, whereas divine command maintains god makes moral law universal.


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