Later years Ernest II, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

an equestrian statue of ernest in hofgarten, coburg. in 1850s, ernest dramatically transformed hofgarten english landscape garden. opened on 27 april 1857 public. statue constructed in 1899 in order commemorate ernest s contributions.

later in reign, ernest s actions managed continually anger sister-in-law. though victoria loved ernest because albert s brother, displeased ernest writing memoirs, worrying contents in regard dead husband. despite disputes, ernest still met victoria , family occasionally. in 1891, met in france; victoria s lady-in-waiting commented old duke of saxe-coburg-gotha has been here today wife. prince consort s brother , awful looking man, queen dislikes him particularly. writing anonymous pamphlets against queen , empress frederick, naturally creates great deal of annoyance in family .

throughout reign, ernest had been known extravagance , womanizing; grew older, ernest enjoyed gossip , thoroughly disreputable old roué enjoyed outrage provoked actions , leading vicky declare uncle own enemy . behavior , manner of dress increasingly became joke younger generations. great-niece marie of edinburgh later describe ernest old beau, squeezed frock-coat tight bulk , uncomfortably pinched in @ waist , sporting top hat, lemon coloured gloves, , rosebud in lapel . put on weight , though on paper wealth large, still in debt.

an excellent musician , amateur composer life, ernest great patron of arts , sciences in coburg, giving awards , titles members of artistic , scientific world, such paul kalisch, german opera singer , english chemist william ernest bush. ernest composed songs, hymns, , cantatas, musical pieces opera , stage, including die gräberinsel (1842), tony, oder die vergeltung (1849), casilda (1851), santa chiara (1854), , zaïre, met success in germany. draw , play piano. 1 of operas, diana von solange (1858), prompted franz liszt following year write orchestral festmarsch nach motiven von e. h. z. s.-c.-g., s.116 (e. h. z. s.-c.-g. short ernst herzog zu sachsen-coburg-gotha). however, production @ metropolitan opera in new york city in 1890 inspired dismal reviews, 1 spectator commenting music rubbish . ernest avid hunter , sportsman; 1 contemporary remarked 1 of foremost , keenest sportsman produced present century . in addition, ernest enthusiastic patron of connected natural history, instance traveling abyssinia german zoologist alfred brehm in 1862.

ernest ii died @ reinhardsbrunn on 22 august 1893 after short illness. lifelong sportsman, last words apparently let drive commence! funeral held in morizkirche in coburg; thousands of spectators came funeral, including emperor wilhelm ii , prince of wales. buried in ducal mausoleum in friedhof glockenberg (de) himself had built in 1853–58.

ernest succeeded nephew prince alfred, duke of edinburgh.


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