Rise to power Thurisind

territories held gepids in middle of 6th century , bordering powers. on south stands byzantine empire, while west lombards.

the gepids major germanic people in eastern hungary, western romania, , northern serbia. although details of life not known, thurisind believed have risen power in 548. after death of elemund, previous king, seized throne in coup d état , forced elemund s son ostrogotha exile. ostrogotha , followers found refuge among gepids neighbours , enemies, lombards, germanic people had settled in western part of pannonian basin. gepids had inhabited parts of basin since 3rd century. reached prominence in 5th century when, under king ardaric, played key role in destroying hunnic empire. ardaric , people benefited more else victory, gaining former roman province of dacia.

in 504 gepids power reduced ostrogoths, cut short expansion danubian plains. gepids restricted eastern part of pannonian basin; form core of thurisind s dominions, had under previous gepid kings. 6th century, gepid nobility converted arian christianity, while of gepids remained pagans.

according scholar istván boná, thurisind s rise power typical example of conflicts among leading families kingship plagued gepidia in 6th century , made difficult maintain succession within king s family. contain these obstacles thurisind made turismod, oldest son, commander of gepid forces in sirmium, important position made turismod king s heir apparent (in germanic custom eldest son not first in line of succession). after turismod died, younger brother cunimund became commander in sirmium , heir apparent.


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