2008 election Douglas Bruce

attorney , air force veteran mark waller (pictured) defeated bruce 2008 republican party nomination state house.

bruce announced in november 2007 stand in 2008 general election house district 15 seat. faced challenge republican nomination attorney , iraq war veteran mark waller. bruce funded own campaign on $30,000 of personal funds, refusing accept private campaign donations; waller, however, received endorsements or contributions @ least 5 sitting state representatives, , colorado attorney general john suthers. waller received 57% of vote @ republican assembly in march, claiming top line on august republican primary ballot; did not differ publicly bruce on political positions, argued bruce s temperament caused him ineffective legislator.

both bruce , waller accused each other of inappropriate conduct while campaigning; bruce accused of inappropriately distributing campaign flyers republican representatives on house floor, of mailing flyers promoting charity shortly before primary, , of inappropriately listing endorsements on web site. in turn, bruce filed several campaign finance complaints against waller, 1 of resulted in waller s campaign being fined failing disclose campaign contribution. ultimately, bruce defeated republican nomination in august 12 party primary, taking 48 percent of vote waller s 52 percent.


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