Cultivated zone Natural history of Mount Kenya

the lower slopes of mount kenya fertile , area heavily cultivated

the soils moist , fertile due past volcanic activity.

most of area cultivated on slopes of mount kenya used forest. during deforestation provide land crops , grazing trees left standing. these trees possible idea of trees used exist in forests. however, not @ representative since trees felled or retained specific reasons. sacred , useful trees standing, , other trees more retained grow alongside food crops species provide shade grazing animals. fig trees considered sacred kikuyu, can seen standing on lands. selectively retaining native trees, plantations of exotic trees can found, such of pine, eucalyptus , cypress. these reasons 1 must careful when inferring original composition of forests.

the crops grown around mount kenya have changed since arrival of europeans , increase in trade. people lived around mountain in late 19th century grew crops such millet, sorghum, beans , yams, new species have been introduced.

crops grown tea, coffee, beans, maize, bananas, potatoes, rice, citrus fruits, mangoes , vegetables. crops grown on different aspects of mountain vary due significant differences in amount of rainfall between northern , southern slopes. southern slopes wetter, ideal growing tea , coffee, whereas northern slopes dry these crops. few large scale farms grow wheat , barley. livestock kept in drier areas, particularly cows milk. system of irrigation has been developed has increased productivity in drier regions. however, many people in kenya dependent on rainfall on mountain, , cultivation , more extensive illegal irrigation reducing amount of water gets more distant areas, causing drought there.

between 1,800 metres (5,900 ft) , 2,500 metres (8,200 ft) there sub-montane forest, exploited forest-based industries, such sawmills, furniture , construction, despite official restrictions on forest cutting.

before 1900 there many wild animals found in lower regions of mount kenya. buffalo, rhinoceros, lion , many species of antelopes common, hippopotamus , crocodiles around rivers. since 1900 many of these animals have been reduced.


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