Current work Jack B. Newton

newton s photographs , articles appear in astronomy magazine , images have appeared in skynews (canada) , in sterne und weltraum, journal of max planck institute in germany. solar images appeared in national geographic s 2004 special edition entitled exploring space - universe in pictures, time inc. s life - year in pictures (2003 & 2004), , in sky & telescopes 2004 beautiful universe issue. in 2007 1 of solar images used lead-in science section in life: platinum edition anniversary collection—70 years of extraordinary photography.

his astrophotographs have appeared in audubon field guide night sky, , in nightwatch, astronomy book terence dickinson, whom newton co-wrote splendors of universe: practical guide photographing night sky, 1997, isbn 978-1552091418.

the newtons own , operate astronomy-themed bed , breakfast near osoyoos in okanagan valley of british columbia. guests can receive optional tutorial sessions in astronomy. partners in arizona sky village, astronomy , nature-oriented real estate development in portal, arizona.

he campaigns dark-sky movement.


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