Features Discourse (software)

1 features

1.1 discourse narrative bot
1.2 tags
1.3 groups


discourse natively designed high resolution touch devices built-in mobile layout , has wide range of features available both hosted , self-hosted sites.

users receive immediate notifications when member replies them directly, quotes them, mentions name, sends private message, or links post. new posts , topics appear automatically on screen in real time.

creating or replying topic done via overlay editor allows uninterrupted reading, if user navigates different topic. discourse auto-saves draft replies , topics server in background prevent loss of work in progress.

topics can pinned top of topic lists, or single category, brief summary of content. topic can transformed banner have appear on top of site. these banners can styled fit wider site aesthetic. users can independently choose dismiss banner. administrators can add permanent site-wide notification panel urgent situations.

images can uploaded, drag , dropped, or pasted. large images automatically thumbnailed , lightboxed . enabled via site setting, remotely hotlinked images can downloaded preserve topic.

discourse supports opengraph , oembed. urls external websites support technology automatically expand provide summary of url.

long topics can condensed summarize button, users can view interesting , popular posts in discussion.

discourse empowers communities crowdsource moderation through flagging system automatically hides inappropriate posts until can reviewed staff member.

discourse narrative bot

discobot customizable bot purpose teach new users, interactively, use many of platform s features bookmarking topic, oneboxing links, add emoji, name mentions, simple formatting, adding picture reply, flagging posts , how use search function.


discourse provides tagging functionality . when users create topics can optionally attach tags. users can tag topics 1 or more tags, auto watch tags desired, list tags , filter topics tag. site administrators can decide whether or not allow users create new tags, can create new tags, tags can used in category , create groups tag.


when discourse installed creates automatic groups, different permissions, useful site management administrators, moderators, staff (administrators , moderators), , various trust levels users.

discourse allows creation of custom groups. these groups highly customizable , can made private or public. depending on selected settings, groups can visible or group members, users can join , leave group freely or send request added group owner. users can added group invitation or automatically added using email domain matches 1 in allowed list .


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