History Birmingham

1 history

1.1 pre-history , medieval
1.2 modern
1.3 industrial revolution
1.4 regency , victorian
1.5 20th century , contemporary


pre-history , medieval

birmingham s history of remote , marginal area. main centres of population, power , wealth in pre-industrial english midlands lay in fertile , accessible river valleys of trent, severn , avon. area of modern birmingham lay in between, on upland birmingham plateau , within densely wooded , sparsely populated forest of arden.

there evidence of human activity in birmingham area dating 10,000 years, stone age artefacts suggesting seasonal settlements, overnight hunting parties , woodland activities such tree felling. many burnt mounds can still seen around city indicate modern humans first intensively settled , cultivated area during bronze age, when substantial short-lived influx of population occurred between 1700 bc , 1000 bc, possibly caused conflict or immigration in surrounding area. during 1st-century roman conquest of britain, forested country of birmingham plateau formed barrier advancing roman legions, built large metchley fort in area of modern-day edgbaston in ad 48, , made focus of network of roman roads.

the charters of 1166 , 1189 established birmingham market town , seigneurial borough

birmingham settlement dates anglo-saxon era. city s name comes old english beormingahām, meaning home or settlement of beormingas – indicating birmingham established in 6th or 7th century primary settlement of anglian tribal grouping , regio of name. despite importance, time of domesday book of 1086 manor of birmingham 1 of poorest , least populated in warwickshire, valued @ 20 shillings, area of modern city divided between counties of warwickshire, staffordshire , worcestershire.

the development of birmingham significant urban , commercial centre began in 1166, when lord of manor peter de bermingham obtained charter hold market @ castle, , followed creation of planned market town , seigneurial borough within demesne or manorial estate, around site became bull ring. established birmingham primary commercial centre birmingham plateau @ time when area s economy expanding rapidly, population growth nationally leading clearance, cultivation , settlement of marginal land. within century of charter birmingham had grown prosperous urban centre of merchants , craftsmen. 1327 third-largest town in warwickshire, position retain next 200 years.

early modern

the principal governing institutions of medieval birmingham – including guild of holy cross , lordship of de birmingham family – collapsed between 1536 , 1547, leaving town unusually high degree of social , economic freedom , initiating period of transition , growth. 1700 birmingham s population had increased fifteenfold , town fifth-largest in england , wales.

the importance of manufacture of iron goods birmingham s economy recognised 1538, , grew rapidly century progressed. equally significant town s emerging role centre iron merchants organised finance, supplied raw materials , traded , marketed industry s products. 1600s birmingham formed commercial hub of network of forges , furnaces stretching south wales cheshire , merchants selling finished manufactured goods far afield west indies. these trading links gave birmingham s metalworkers access wider markets, allowing them diversify away lower-skilled trades producing basic goods local sale, towards broader range of specialist, higher-skilled , more lucrative activities.

birmingham in 1732

by time of english civil war birmingham s booming economy, expanding population, , resulting high levels of social mobility , cultural pluralism, had seen develop new social structures different of more established areas. relationships built around pragmatic commercial linkages rather rigid paternalism , deference of feudal society, , loyalties traditional hierarchies of established church , aristocracy weak. town s reputation political radicalism , parliamentarian sympathies saw attacked royalist forces in battle of birmingham in 1643, , developed centre of puritanism in 1630s , haven nonconformists 1660s.

the 18th century saw tradition of free-thinking , collaboration blossom cultural phenomenon known midlands enlightenment. town developed notable centre of literary, musical, artistic , theatrical activity; , leading citizens – particularly members of lunar society of birmingham – became influential participants in circulation of philosophical , scientific ideas among europe s intellectual elite. close relationship between enlightenment birmingham s leading thinkers , major manufacturers – in men matthew boulton , james keir in fact same people – made particularly important exchange of knowledge between pure science , practical world of manufacturing , technology. created chain reaction of innovation , forming pivotal link between earlier scientific revolution , industrial revolution follow.

industrial revolution

matthew boulton

birmingham s explosive industrial expansion started earlier of textile-manufacturing towns of north of england, , driven different factors. instead of economies of scale of low-paid, unskilled workforce producing single bulk commodity such cotton or wool in large, mechanised units of production, birmingham s industrial development built on adaptability , creativity of highly paid workforce strong division of labour, practising broad variety of skilled specialist trades , producing diversifying range of products, in highly entrepreneurial economy of small, self-owned workshops. led exceptional levels of inventiveness: between 1760 , 1850 – core years of industrial revolution – birmingham residents registered on 3 times many patents of other british town or city.

the demand capital feed rapid economic expansion saw birmingham grow major financial centre extensive international connections. lloyds bank founded in town in 1765, , ketley s building society, world s first building society, in 1775. 1800 west midlands had more banking offices per head other region in britain, including london.

the soho manufactory of 1765 – pioneer of factory system , industrial steam engine

innovation in 18th-century birmingham took form of incremental series of small-scale improvements existing products or processes, included major developments lay @ heart of emergence of industrial society. in 1709 birmingham-trained abraham darby moved coalbrookdale in shropshire , built first blast furnace smelt iron ore coke, transforming quality, volume , scale on possible produce cast iron. in 1732 lewis paul , john wyatt invented roller spinning, 1 novel idea of first importance in development of mechanised cotton industry. in 1741 opened world s first cotton mill in birmingham s upper priory. in 1746 john roebuck invented lead chamber process, enabling large-scale manufacture of sulphuric acid, , in 1780 james keir developed process bulk manufacture of alkali, marking birth of modern chemical industry. in 1765 matthew boulton opened soho manufactory, pioneering combination , mechanisation under 1 roof of separate manufacturing activities through system known rational manufacture . largest manufacturing unit in europe come symbolise emergence of factory system.

most significant, however, development in 1776 of industrial steam engine james watt , matthew boulton. freeing first time manufacturing capacity of human society limited availability of hand, water , animal power, arguably pivotal moment of entire industrial revolution , key factor in worldwide increases in productivity follow on following century.

regency , victorian

thomas attwood addressing 200,000-strong meeting of birmingham political union during days of may, 1832

birmingham rose national political prominence in campaign political reform in 19th century, thomas attwood , birmingham political union bringing country brink of civil war during days of may preceded passing of great reform act in 1832. union s meetings on newhall hill in 1831 , 1832 largest political assemblies britain had ever seen. lord durham, drafted act, wrote country owed reform birmingham, , salvation revolution . reputation having shaken fabric of privilege base in 1832 led john bright make birmingham platform successful campaign second reform act of 1867, extended voting rights urban working class.

birmingham s tradition of innovation continued 19th century. birmingham terminus both of world s first 2 long-distance railway lines: 82 mile grand junction railway of 1837 , 112 mile london , birmingham railway of 1838. birmingham schoolteacher rowland hill invented postage stamp , created first modern universal postal system in 1839. alexander parkes invented first man-made plastic in jewellery quarter in 1855.

by 1820s, extensive canal system had been constructed, giving greater access natural resources , fuel industries. during victorian era, population of birmingham grew rapidly on half million , birmingham became second largest population centre in england. birmingham granted city status in 1889 queen victoria. joseph chamberlain, mayor of birmingham , later mp, , son neville chamberlain, lord mayor of birmingham , later british prime minister, 2 of well-known political figures have lived in birmingham. city established own university in 1900.

20th century , contemporary

destruction of bull ring during birmingham blitz, 1940

birmingham suffered heavy bomb damage during world war ii s birmingham blitz . city scene of 2 scientific discoveries prove critical outcome of war. otto frisch , rudolf peierls first described how practical nuclear weapon constructed in frisch–peierls memorandum of 1940, same year cavity magnetron, key component of radar , later of microwave ovens, invented john randall , henry boot. details of these 2 discoveries, outline of first jet engine invented frank whittle in nearby rugby, taken united states tizard mission in september 1940, in single black box later described official american historian valuable cargo ever brought our shores .

the city extensively redeveloped during 1950s , 1960s. included construction of large tower block estates, such castle vale. bull ring reconstructed , new street station redeveloped. in decades following world war ii, ethnic makeup of birmingham changed significantly, received waves of immigration commonwealth of nations , beyond. city s population peaked in 1951 @ 1,113,000 residents.

world leaders meet in birmingham 1998 g8 summit

birmingham remained far britain s prosperous provincial city late 1970s, household incomes exceeding of london , south east, economic diversity , capacity regeneration declined in decades followed world war ii central government sought restrict city s growth , disperse industry , population stagnating areas of wales , northern england. these measures hindered natural self-regeneration of businesses in birmingham, leaving top-heavy old , infirm , , city became increasingly dependent on motor industry. recession of 1980s saw birmingham s economy collapse, unprecedented levels of unemployment , outbreaks of social unrest in inner-city districts. in recent years, many parts of birmingham have been transformed, redevelopment of bullring shopping centre , regeneration of old industrial areas such brindleyplace, mailbox , international convention centre. old streets, buildings , canals have been restored, pedestrian subways have been removed , inner ring road has been rationalised. in 1998 birmingham hosted 24th g8 summit. city serve host of 2022 commonwealth games.


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