Hungarian Soviet Republic .28.22Republic of the Councils.22.29 History of Hungary

the communist party of hungary, led béla kun, allied hungarian social democratic party, came power , proclaimed hungarian soviet republic. social democrat sándor garbai official head of government, soviet republic dominated de facto béla kun, in charge of foreign affairs. communists – reds – came power largely organized fighting force (no other major political entity had 1 of own), , promised hungary defend territory without conscription, possibly of soviet red army.

the red army of hungary small voluntary army of 53,000 men, , of soldiers armed factory workers budapest. initially, kun s regime achieved military successes: under command of genius strategist colonel aurél stromfeld, hungarian red army ousted czechoslovak troops north , planned march against romanian army in east. in terms of domestic policy, communist government nationalized industrial , commercial enterprises, socialized housing, transport, banking, medicine, cultural institutions, , landholdings of more 400,000 square meters.

the support of communists proved short-lived in budapest, however, , had never been popular in country towns , countryside. in aftermath of coup attempt, government took series of actions referred red terror, murdering several hundred people (mostly scientists , intellectuals). soviet red army never able aid new hungarian republic. despite great military successes against czechoslovakian army, communist leaders gave recaptured lands. attitude demoralized voluntary army; hungarian red army dissolved before complete campaigns. in face of domestic backlash , advancing romanian force in hungarian–romanian war of 1919, béla kun , of comrades fled austria, , budapest occupied on 6 august. kun , followers took along numerous art treasures , gold stocks of national bank. these events, , in particular final military defeat, led deep feeling of dislike among general population against soviet union (which did not offer military assistance) , hungarian jews (since members of kun s government jewish, making easy blame jews government s mistakes).


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