Sabbatical abroad.2C retirement.2C and work of U.S. history George Tucker (politician)

1 sabbatical abroad, retirement, , work of u.s. history

1.1 sojourn in great britain
1.2 resignation faculty , relocation
1.3 history of united states

sabbatical abroad, retirement, , work of u.s. history
sojourn in great britain

tucker considered trip abroad enhance insight , resume generally, , prepare him possible, though not likely, diplomatic appointment. expected there learned country s benefit in british factories, great estates , crowded cities. finances in order , three-month leave university, in 1839 made trip great britain , after time in shakespeare country, stratford-upon-avon, settled in liverpool. did not succeed in making expected social connections, exception of 1st earl of leicester , wife, whom discussed politics , agriculture. though admiring succinct debates in parliament, found queen victoria s procession more fit amuse child 1 of age . on whole found conversation did not come easy british, , concluded there more churls in england in of europe besides. journey, along interest in doctrines of thomas robert malthus on populace, inspired tucker expound upon mixed blessings of prospective urbanized world. of hypotheses included in progress of united states in population , wealth (boston, 1843). work gained him 1 of proudest honors, membership in statistical society of paris.

his enthusiasm teaching @ university ebbed in final years there. perturbed increase in religious enthusiasm on campus , temperance movement, mildly protested. tucker zealously defended higher salaries more tenured professors, , enraged when university reduced annual salary $1500 $1000. having produced documentation proving jefferson had intended salary guaranteed life, convinced university reinstate original salary.

resignation faculty , relocation

with death of last contemporary on faculty in 1845, tucker resigned professorship , moved philadelphia, enjoyed availability of more libraries, meetings @ american philosophical society , reunion friend robley dunglison. nevertheless, there drawbacks – one, lack of accommodation slaveholding had brought him—he had emancipated 5 of slaves upon departure charlottesville. later expressed doubt wisdom of latter decision when learned 3 of them had, law, been exiled virginia, , shortly thereafter died. well, 2 freed slaves accompanied him philadelphia deserted posts upon arrival there.

social life in urban setting did not live expectations, after time writing , lecturing upon variety of subjects filled void. joined american institute advancement of science , urged members establish section on political economics , statistics. engaged in debate, antagonist of malthusian population theory proponent alexander everett.

history of united states

in 1856, tucker completed four-volume history of united states, colonization end of 26th congress, in 1841. robley dunglison commented follows on work: aid him in execution of work, [tucker] himself remarks, had been fortune have personal knowledge of many, bore conspicuous part in revolution, , of principal actors in political dramas succeeded. history extends elevation of general william henry harrison presidency in 1841, far tucker thought prudently go. work includes brief review of slavery, in tucker took issue jefferson s decades-old view in notes on state of virginia (1781), slavery still had degenerative effect upon slaveholders.


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