Council of Agriculture Deputy Ministry Wang Cheng-teng

1 council of agriculture deputy ministry

1.1 rural development foundation promotion on agricultural policies of mainland china
1.2 9th asia pacific poultry conference
1.3 council of agriculture policy explanatory hearing on beef controversy

council of agriculture deputy ministry
rural development foundation promotion on agricultural policies of mainland china

on june 2009, wang told democratic progressive party legislators coa had commissioned rural development foundation research information on mainland chinese agriculture cross-strait development, after accusation foundation website promoted mainland china s agriculture policies instead of assisting agriculture development in foreign countries.

9th asia pacific poultry conference

during opening ceremony of 9th asia pacific poultry conference held in taipei on 20 march 2011, wang said conference facilitate international exchanges , scientific collaboration in poultry breeding. taiwanese poultry industry.

council of agriculture policy explanatory hearing on beef controversy

on april 2012, wang chairman council of agriculture policy explanatory hearing in chiayi city on beef controversy. council hosted event explain government s policy on beef public , listen public had say. event held assistance private foundations.


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