Pre-history and medieval Birmingham

the charters of 1166 , 1189 established birmingham market town , seigneurial borough

birmingham settlement dates anglo-saxon era. city s name comes old english beormingahām, meaning home or settlement of beormingas – indicating birmingham established in 6th or 7th century primary settlement of anglian tribal grouping , regio of name. despite importance, time of domesday book of 1086 manor of birmingham 1 of poorest , least populated in warwickshire, valued @ 20 shillings, area of modern city divided between counties of warwickshire, staffordshire , worcestershire.

the development of birmingham significant urban , commercial centre began in 1166, when lord of manor peter de bermingham obtained charter hold market @ castle, , followed creation of planned market town , seigneurial borough within demesne or manorial estate, around site became bull ring. established birmingham primary commercial centre birmingham plateau @ time when area s economy expanding rapidly, population growth nationally leading clearance, cultivation , settlement of marginal land. within century of charter birmingham had grown prosperous urban centre of merchants , craftsmen. 1327 third-largest town in warwickshire, position retain next 200 years.


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