Anatomy Venenosaurus

1 anatomy

1.1 limbs
1.2 pelvis
1.3 vertebrae


the scientists first described v. dicrocei observed new species closely resembles cedarosaurus, while still being distinct.


the radius of venenosaurus more slender radii of alamosaurus, chubutisaurus, opisthocoelicaudia, , saltasaurus. ratio of radius least circumference length produces ratio of .33, more gracile radius of camarasaurus lewisi , c. grandis. cedarosaurus, however, has more gracile ratio of .31. team found brachiosaurus brancai s radius closest anatomical match of venenosaurus. metacarpals of venenosaurus long , slender. exception of incomplete first metacarpal, of right metacarpals known. metatarsal shortest , robust of 3 recovered metatarsals. cedarosaurus had more gracile ulna , radius venenosaurus.


venenosaurus shows mixture of titanosaur , non-titanosaur ischium-to-pubis proportions. hips closely resemble of brachiosaurus.


the vertebrae in middle , toward end of tail short, distinguishing titanosaurs andesaurus, malawisaurus, aeolosaurus, alamosaurus, , saltasaurus. neural spines in middle tail vertebrae angled toward front of animal. these vertebrae resemble of cedarosaurus, aeolosaurus, , gondwanatitan. vertebrae located @ transitional position anterior posterior caudal vertebrae.

venenosaurus had unusual lateral fossae, looked deep depressions in outside walls of vertebral centra. fossae divided 2 chambers ridge inside depression. in sauropods fossae form pneumatic openings leading interior of centrum, rather being depression. less well-developed, similar fossae known cedarosaurus. fossae resemble shallow depressions known saltasaurus, alamosaurus, aeolosaurus, gondwanatitan, , malawisaurus. these taxa differ, however, in fossae shallower, lack division chambers, , not extend far vertebral columns of venenosaurus.

the vertebrae near base of tail extremely useful classifying sauropods. derived titanosaurs had vertebrae convex on front , back. primitive sauropods had vertebrae either flat on both ends (amphiplaty) or concave on both (amphicoely). venenosaurus may have had condition intermediate between two. possession of amphiplatyan caudal centra anteriorly facing neural spines unique identifier of species. form of central articulations change within single individual s vertebral column.


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