Heritage buildings Lang Pioneer Village Museum

1 heritage buildings

1.1 homes
1.2 businesses , trades
1.3 community services
1.4 food preservation
1.5 sources of power

heritage buildings

david fife cabin- 1820s log cabin typical of settler’s first one-room log home. built david fife, scottish immigrant, cabin located in village few miles original site. david fife pioneer of red fife wheat production in canada. red fife wheat grown locally , ground flour @ lang grist mill.

ayotte homestead- built prior 1841, ayotte homestead moved original site on clear lake in smith township. during summer months, wood stove moved summer kitchen did not heat house. during winter months, stove moved primary house , summer kitchen used cold storage.

fitzpatrick house- built in 1840s, fitzpatrick house represents settler’s second home. storey-and-a-half log home featuring six-foot-wide stone fireplace served dual purposes of heating , cooking. main living area included parent’s bedroom , sitting room upstairs , 2 bedrooms , large utility area served sleeping area.

milburn house- milburn house represents more luxurious lifestyle of settlers. built in 1850s, milburn house has been restored reflect life in 1877 , features many of comforts , luxuries of 1870s.

businesses , trades

hastie carpenter shop- hastie carpenter shop careful reconstruction of original, local 1880s carpenter shop. throughout summer, carpenters demonstrate wood-working techniques used settlers create hand-made objects.

mill @ lang pioneer village keene ontario

tinsmith shop- tinsmith shop reconstruction of 19th-century shop demonstrating skilled craft of tinsmithing. examples of tinware can found throughout village. late 19th century, tinware in every home , farm.

lang grist mill- working three-storey mill, lang mill constructed in 1846 thomas short. on 160 years later, visitors can still see wheat being ground flour @ mill throughout summer.

shingle mill- before shingle mill, settlers had make own shingles splitting cedar froe (a tool long iron blade struck heavy mallet) , shaved proper thickness drawknife. shingle mill, hundreds of shingles produced in hour. cedar shingles on of building in village made mill.

keene hotel- built in 1830s (front section) , 1940s (rear wing), keene hotel has been restored representative of country inn of 1870s. best bedroom @ hotel in 1840s cost 75 cents per night. straw tick in flop room cost 10 cents per night.

cheese factory- cheese factory, moved mathers corners in otonabee township, built in 1876. equipment housed inside building warkworth. cheese factory form 40 pounds of cheese curd 400 pounds of milk under watchful eye of cheese maker.

blacksmith shop- blacksmith shop essential life of 19th-century community. built in 1859, blacksmith shop has been restored 1880. blacksmith shoe horses, “iron” sleighs , wagons, make tools , architectural hardware , repairs. make of own equipment. watering trough located outside blacksmith shop owned campbell’s dairy in peterborough.

register print shop- print shop, built in 1840s, used print handbills announcing sales, public notices of election, community event notices , weekly newspaper community. printer 1 of few well-educated individuals in village. register print shop @ lang pioneer village has been restored represent print shop in 1880s.

s. w. lowry weaver shop & jacquard loom interpretive centre- weaver shop newest addition lang pioneer village. housed in replica 19th-century weaver’s shop, feature of weavers shop restored 19th-century jacquard loom , functioning loom replica. exhibit/educational area demonstrates step-by-step process of how fleece sheep becomes woven fabric.

community services

douro township hall- douro township hall built in 1871 @ cost of $365. building has been restored 1897 when council members no longer elected open “show of hands” secret ballot.

south lake school- schoolhouse first building moved site of lang pioneer village. built in 1886, schoolhouse interior reveals rural school-life featuring double-desks, slates, abacus , wood stove heating.

glen alda church- church played important role in settlers’ lives. built in 1898, glen alda church moved chandos township. located @ front of sanctuary fine crafted doherty pump organ, manufactured 100 years ago. driveshed located west of church horse , buggies have been sheltered during service.

menie general store & post office- built in 1858, general store has been restored 1899. purchased store. farm produce bartered store goods.

food preservation

cider barn- after apple harvest, farmers surrounding area converge on cider barn wooden cylinder studded nails chew apples pulp , juice pressed pulp.

smoke house- ensure meat last throughout winter , following summer, meat salted, pickled , smoked in smoke house 6 weeks. smoke house @ lang pioneer village reconstruction circa 1850s.

ice house- ice blocks cut in coldest winter weather using ice saw. blocks had square in order make easier load , haul. sawdust used in icehouse insulator. sawdust effective harvest of ice put in place in cold weather , packed sawdust last several years. ice house @ lang pioneer village reconstruction circa 1850s.

sources of power

wind- late 19th century many farmers harnessing wind provide power variety of purposes. windmill @ lang pioneer village located on manson cathcart farm in peterborough
water- water flowing indian river, powers turbines @ lang grist mill
steam- steam power made many tasks more productive settlers. examples of steam powered tasks can found @ lang pioneer village shingle mill powered lang’s own sawyer-massey steam engine , grain thrashing. manufactured in 1921, sawyer-massey steam engine power source sawing , edging shingles @ shingle mill. steam engine has been owned , operated lang pioneer village since 1985.
animal- 1860s, horse power had reached peak of mechanical efficiency , farmers owned 1 of make or another. horse-drawn farm implements can found in lang’s agricultural barn while horse-drawn vehicles can found in lang’s transportation barn.

^ carolyn heller (3 july 2012). moon ontario. avalon travel publishing. pp. 244–. isbn 978-1-61238-253-1. 
^ nathalie cooke (1 september 2009). s eat?: entrŽes in canadian food history. mcgill-queen s press - mqup. pp. 173–. isbn 978-0-7735-7717-6. 
^ cite error: named reference theunissencabasin2006 invoked never defined (see page).
^ douglas w. ayres (12 march 2012). undaunted curiosity. trafford publishing. pp. 238–. isbn 978-1-4669-1983-9. 
^ terry culbert (1995). county roads: around ontario global television s terry culbert. generalstore publishinghouse. pp. 171–. isbn 978-1-896182-21-6. 


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