Prelude Siege of Lincoln

early in 1644, parliamentarian forces besieged royalist stronghold of newark-on-trent. commander of besiegers, lord willoughby, had command of parliamentarian forces in lincolnshire , had ordered of garrison of lincoln come aid.

king charles dispatched nephew prince rupert relieve newark, ordering him collect troops in shropshire, cheshire, , wales, march lancashire, reinforce troops earl of derby s royalist tenantry, , march yorkshire.

the command of parliamentarian forces investing newark had passed veteran scottish soldier sir john meldrum, chose oppose rupert rather retreat. rupert defeated him on banks of trent on 22 march 1644 , relieved newark. defeat of parliamentarians lincolnshire forces @ newark, county lay open royalist occupation. lincoln occupied on 23 march, royliasts found , requisitioned 2,000 muskets. parliamentarians abandoned sleaford , on orders meldrum, gainsborough slighted not garrisoned royalists.

however, rupert decided not consolidate gains had made, , after garrisoning lincoln , placing under command of sir francis fane, retreated west midlands. 23 march, in oxford report king. month earlier however, parliamentarians under lord fairfax , scottish covenanters under earl of leven had laid siege york, defended marquess of newcastle. in siege, newcastle decided cavalry of little use within besieged city. commanded newcastle s lieutenant general of horse, george, lord goring, broke out of city, , escaped pursuit. made way newark, plundering marched.

the parliamentarian army of eastern association under earl of manchester counterattacked. in last week of april, manchester @ stamford. ordered cavalry under command of oliver cromwell advance. cleared lincolnshire of marauding parties of cavaliers newark , drove them across trent, joined goring @ mansfield. manchester marched lincoln, arriving on 3 may 1644.


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