Works Philo

some of philo s works have been preserved in greek, while others have survived through armenian translations, , smaller amount survives in latin translation. exact date of writing , original plan of organization not known of text attributed philo.

most of philo s surviving work deals pentateuch (the first 5 books of bible). within corpus 3 categories:

quaestiones ( inquiries ) – short verse-by-verse exposition: 4 books on book of genesis , 2 on book of exodus. 6 books preserved through armenian translation, published jean-baptiste aucher in 1826. comparison surviving greek , latin fragments recommends translation literal , accurate far goes, suggests of original content missing. there thought twelve original books, 6 on genesis , 6 on exodus.
allegoral commentary – longer exegesis explaining esoteric meanings; surviving text deals book of genesis, notable omission of genesis 1.
exposition of law – more straightforward synthesis of topics in pentateuch, written gentiles jews.

philo credited writing:

apologies judaism including on life of moses, on jews, , on contemplative life.
historical works (describing current events in alexandria , roman empire), including against flaccus , embassy gaius.
philosophical works including every man free, on eternity of world, on animals, , on providence, latter 2 surviving through armenian translation.

^ james r. royse, adam kamesar, works of philo , in kamesar, ed. (2009).


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