Agriculture Goat

1 agriculture

1.1 worldwide goat population statistics
1.2 husbandry
1.3 meat
1.4 milk, butter , cheese

1.4.1 nutrition

1.5 fiber
1.6 land clearing
1.7 use medical training


goat husbandry common through norte chico region in chile. intensive goat husbrandry in drylands may produce severe erosion , desertification. image upper limarí river

a goat useful humans when living , when dead, first renewable provider of milk, manure, , fiber, , meat , hide. charities provide goats impoverished people in poor countries, because goats easier , cheaper manage cattle, , have multiple uses. in addition, goats used driving , packing purposes.

the intestine of goats used make catgut , still in use material internal human surgical sutures , strings musical instruments. horn of goat, signifies plenty , wellbeing (the cornucopia), used make spoons.

the boer goat – in case buck – kept meat breed.

worldwide goat population statistics

according food , agriculture organization (fao), top producers of goat milk in 2008 india (4 million metric tons), bangladesh (2.16 million metric tons) , sudan (1.47 million metric tons).


reared goat(husbandry)

husbandry, or animal care , use, varies region , culture. particular housing used goats depends not on intended use of goat, on region of world raised. historically, domestic goats kept in herds wandered on hills or other grazing areas, tended goatherds children or adolescents, similar more known shepherd. these methods of herding still used today.

in parts of world, europe , north america, distinct breeds of goats kept dairy (milk) , meat production. excess male kids of dairy breeds typically slaughtered meat. both , bucks of meat breeds may slaughtered meat, older animals of breed. meat of older bucks (more 1 year old) considered not desirable meat human consumption. castration @ young age prevents development of typical buck odor.

for smallholder farmers in many countries, such woman burkina faso, goats important livestock.

dairy goats pastured in summer , may stabled during winter. dairy milked daily, kept close milking shed. grazing typically supplemented hay , concentrates. stabled goats may kept in stalls similar horses, or in larger group pens. in system, rebred annually. in european commercial dairy systems, bred twice, , milked continuously several years after second kidding.

meat goats more pastured year-round, , may kept many miles barns. angora , other fiber breeds kept on pasture or range. range-kept , pastured goats may supplemented hay or concentrates, during winter or dry seasons.

in india, nepal, , of asia, goats kept largely milk production, both in commercial , household settings. goats in area may kept closely housed or may allowed range fodder. salem black goat herded pasture in fields , along roads during day, kept penned @ night safe-keeping.

in africa , mideast, goats typically run in flocks sheep. maximizes production per acre, goats , sheep prefer different food plants. multiple types of goat-raising found in ethiopia, 4 main types have been identified: pastured in annual crop systems, in perennial crop systems, cattle, , in arid areas, under pastoral (nomadic) herding systems. in 4 systems, however, goats typically kept in extensive systems, few purchased inputs. household goats traditionally kept in nigeria. while many goats allowed wander homestead or village, others kept penned , fed in called cut-and-carry system. type of husbandry used in parts of latin america. cut-and-carry, refers practice of cutting down grasses, corn or cane feed rather allowing animal access field, particularly suited types of feed, such corn or cane, destroyed trampling.

pet goats may found in many parts of world when family keeps 1 or more animals emotional reasons rather production animals. becoming more common goats kept exclusively pets in north america , europe.


the taste of goat kid meat similar of spring lamb meat; in fact, in english-speaking islands of caribbean, , in parts of asia, particularly bangladesh, pakistan , india, word “mutton” used describe both goat , lamb meat. however, compare taste of goat meat veal or venison, depending on age , condition of goat. flavor said linked presence of 4-methyloctanoic , 4-methylnonanoic acid. can prepared in variety of ways, including stewing, baking, grilling, barbecuing, canning, , frying; can minced, curried, or made sausage. due low fat content, meat can toughen @ high temperatures if cooked without additional moisture. 1 of popular goats grown meat south african boer, introduced united states in 1990s. new zealand kiko considered meat breed, myotonic or fainting goat , breed originating in tennessee.

milk, butter , cheese

a goat being machine milked on organic farm

goats produce 2% of world s total annual milk supply. goats bred milk. if strong-smelling buck not separated does, scent affect milk.

goat milk naturally has small, well-emulsified fat globules, means cream remains suspended in milk, instead of rising top, in raw cow milk; therefore, not need homogenized. indeed, if milk used make cheese, homogenization not recommended, changes structure of milk, affecting culture s ability coagulate milk , final quality , yield of cheese.

dairy goats in prime (generally around third or fourth lactation cycle) average—2.7 3.6 kg (6 8 lb)—of milk production daily—roughly 2.8 3.8 l (3 4 u.s. qt)—during ten-month lactation, producing more after freshening , gradually dropping in production toward end of lactation. milk averages 3.5% butterfat.

goat milk commonly processed cheese, butter, ice cream, yogurt, cajeta , other products. goat cheese known fromage de chèvre ( goat cheese ) in france. varieties include rocamadour , montrachet. goat butter white because goats produce milk yellow beta-carotene converted colorless form of vitamin a.


the american academy of pediatrics discourages feeding infants milk derived goats. april 2010 case report summarizes recommendation , presents comprehensive review of consequences associated dangerous practice , stating, many infants exclusively fed unmodified goat s milk result of cultural beliefs exposure false online information. anecdotal reports have described host of morbidities associated practice, including severe electrolyte abnormalities, metabolic acidosis, megaloblastic anemia, allergic reactions including life-threatening anaphylactic shock, hemolytic uremic syndrome, , infections. untreated caprine brucellosis results in 2% case fatality rate. according usda, doe milk not recommended human infants because contains inadequate quantities of iron, folate, vitamins c , d, thiamine, niacin, vitamin b6, , pantothenic acid meet infant’s nutritional needs , may cause harm infant s kidneys , cause metabolic damage.

the department of health in united kingdom has repeatedly released statements stating on various occasions goats milk not suitable babies, , infant formulas , follow-on formulas based on goats milk protein have not been approved use in europe , , infant milks based on goats milk protein not suitable source of nutrition infants.

also according canadian federal health department – health canada, of dangers or counter-indication of feeding unmodified goat milk infants, similar occurring in same practice cow s milk, namely in allergic reactions.

however, farming groups promote practice. example, small farm today, in 2005, claimed beneficial use in invalid , convalescent diets, proposing glycerol ethers, possibly important in nutrition nursing infants, higher in milk in cows milk. 1970 book on animal breeding claimed milk differs cows or humans milk having higher digestibility, distinct alkalinity, higher buffering capacity, , therapeutic values in human medicine , nutrition. george mateljan suggested doe milk can replace ewe milk or cow milk in diets of allergic mammals milk. however, cow milk, doe milk has lactose (sugar), , may cause gastrointestinal problems individuals lactose intolerance. in fact, level of lactose similar of cow milk.

these compositions vary breed (especially in nigerian dwarf breed), animal, , point in lactation period.


an angora goat

the angora breed of goats produces long, curling, lustrous locks of mohair. entire body of goat covered mohair , there no guard hairs. locks grow 4 inches or more in length. angora crossbreeds, such pygora , nigora, have been created produce mohair and/or cashgora on smaller, easier-to-manage animal. wool shorn twice year, average yield of 4.5 kg (10 lb).

most goats have softer insulating hairs nearer skin, , longer guard hairs on surface. desirable fiber textile industry former, , goes several names (down, cashmere , pashmina). coarse guard hairs of little value coarse, difficult spin , difficult dye. cashmere goat produces commercial quantity of cashmere wool, 1 of expensive natural fibers commercially produced; cashmere fine , soft. cashmere goat fiber harvested once year, yielding around 260 g (9 oz) of down.

in south asia, cashmere called pashmina (from persian pashmina, fine wool ). in 18th , 19th centuries, kashmir (then called cashmere british), had thriving industry producing shawls goat-hair imported tibet , tartary through ladakh. shawls introduced western europe when general in chief of french campaign in egypt (1799–1802) sent 1 paris. since these shawls produced in upper kashmir , ladakh region, wool came known cashmere .

land clearing

goats have been used humans clear unwanted vegetation centuries. have been described eating machines , biological control agents . there has been resurgence of in north america since 1990, when herds used clear dry brush california hillsides thought endangered potential wildfires. form of using goats clear land known conservation grazing. since then, numerous public , private agencies have hired private herds perform similar tasks. practice has become popular in pacific northwest, used remove invasive species not removed humans, including (thorned) blackberry vines , poison oak.

use medical training

as goat s anatomy , physiology not dissimilar of human, countries militaries use goats train combat medics. in united states, goats have become main animal species used purpose after pentagon phased out using dogs medical training in 1980s. while modern mannequins used in medical training quite efficient in simulating behavior of human body, trainees feel goat exercise provide[s] sense of urgency real life trauma can provide .


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