Consequences of racism Racism in France

1 consequences of racism

1.1 in sports
1.2 in politics
1.3 in legislature

1.3.1 immigration laws
1.3.2 secularization laws

consequences of racism
in sports

prior domestic euro 2016 edition, racist claims, emanating several french public figures lack of players of north african origins, made way front pages. eric cantona accused french manager didier deschamps of racism. later filed suit against cantona on defamation. shortly after karim benzema, regarded main victim considering top form , season real madrid, accused deschamps of bowing racists on pages of marca. started after manuel valls, french prime minister filmed in past claiming there mamy blacks , roma people in south-eastern suburbs of paris, politicized affair.

in politics

in 1964, occident movement founded former members of fen syndicate (fédération des etudiants nationalistes) had stood against abandonment of french algeria. directed pierre sidos, occident positioned movement perpetuating popular french extreme-right traditions of 1920s , 1930s, included racist themes, maurrassism , fascism. occident movement later became ordre nouveau movement in turn, became today s front national (1974).

national front extreme-right party openly claims nationalist , conservative ideals. party led jean marie le pen, has been considered spokesperson , face of party. le pen has been reprimanded many times racist actions , national front has been held responsible couple of race-based crimes. example, in 1995, 3 militants of national front party shot @ 2 young boys of african origins running catch bus. 1 of young boys, ali ibrahim, 17-year-old comoros islands, fatally wounded. bruno megret, 2nd in command of national front @ time, stated event due massive , uncontrollable immigration in france. added thankful militants had been armed. in 2011, marine le pen, jean le pen’s daughter, took on president of national front party , expressed anti-islamic , anti-immigration views.

the claim of racism against whites has been brought forward various far-right parties since 1978, , right. in september 2012, jean-françois copé, leader of union popular movement (upm), , incumbent reelection, denounced development of anti-white racism people living in france, of them french citizens, against gauls – name among immigrants native french according him – on basis of these having different religion, color skin, , ethnic background. former minister of interior, claude guéant, went on record stating kind of racism reality in france , there nothing worse political elite hiding truth. marine le pen criticized ump had denied existence of such racism during five-year reign in power (2007–2012) , suspected tactical move win on voters , support front national. in 2010, white couple , 12-year-old daughter living in maghrebi neighborhood victims of racist insults , death threats , evacuated home under police protection. in 2013, 3 men convicted in case.

in recent years, many newspapers, such libération , washington post, have done segments on increase of racist comments made political leaders against minority groups. in 2009, nadine morano, secretary of state family, explained expected young french muslim “he love country, find job, not speak verlan or slang, not wear baseball cap backwards”. in february 2012, minister of interior @ time, claude gueant continued targeting of islamic populations stating leftist ideologies wrong , in fact, civilizations did not equate each other. stated nations defend liberty, equality , fraternity (france’s motto) superior nations accepted tyranny, inequality women , social , ethnic hatred. concluded asserting “civilization” must protected. in october 2013, national front municipal candidate, anne-sophie leclere, compared french minister of justice, christiane taubira, monkey , affirmed rather see french guinean native “in tree in government”. week later, students @ anti-gay manifestation surrounded toubira in angers, signs read “monkey, eat banana”. taubira later mentioned france in midst of identity crisis. on april 29, 2014, in independent, uk newspaper, taubira stated:

“i see country in distress. need reconstruct sense of history , capacity live together. can ‘public word’ – our political debate – raise address these big questions? don’t mean government. mean political forces, both government , opposition, , opinion-makers in media.”

in legislature
immigration laws

in march 1990, according poll reported in le monde, 76% of polled said there many arabs , berbers in france while 39% said had aversion arabs , berbers. in following years, interior minister charles pasqua noted dramatically toughening immigration laws.

in october 2013, jean-francois copé, head of union popular movement (ump), sought reform immigration laws changing acquisition of french citizenship birth. relying on civil code states 1 becomes french through heritage, copé claimed right of blood trumped in acquisition of citizenship. copé, automatic acquisition of french citizenship @ birth needed reformed means of achieving full assimilation of in france, fighting secularism , fighting against communitarianism. guillaume peltier, co-founder of “la droite” (right) movement mentioned in same way right express desire enter community basic principle, power of national community accept or refuse such entry.

secularization laws

the hijab ban law, presented secularization of schools, , supported major parties in french parliament, many feminists, interpreted critics indirect legitimization of anti-muslim stereotypes, fostering rather preventing racism.

in december 2013, french socialist government displayed fear of growing racism , divisions between ethnic groups in france. in report, social government recommended emphasizing “arab-oriental” side of french culture “barring media mentioning person’s ethnicity , promoting teaching of arabic , african languages in schools.” however, these recommendations not received france’s conservative opposition claimed such actions meant abandoning french culture , secular values. jean-francois copé called government reject report. french prime minister, mr. ayrault, responded did not plan remove ban , these reports did not in way represent position of government.


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