Laying of the cornerstone George Washington Masonic National Memorial

laying of cornerstone of george washington masonic national memorial in alexandria, virginia, on november 1, 1923.

laying of memorial s cornerstone occurred on november 1, 1923. planners had proposed cornerstone laid on november 4, 1923—the 170th anniversary of george washington s initiation freemasonry. because november 4 fell on sunday in 1923, ceremony scheduled november 1. ceremony did not occur. short time before event, contractors discovered cornerstone memorial had been cut small. new cornerstone fashioned , completed in time. alexandria mayor william allen smoot declared holiday, , businesses closed except banks , u.s. post office. united states navy light cruiser uss richmond , u.s. navy destroyer anchored @ alexandria torpedo factory part of festivities. trains ran every 3 minutes city of alexandria in order accommodate crowds.

an estimated 14,000 masons, dignitaries, united states armed forces personnel, police, , others marched in parade alexandria waterfront shooter s hill kick off event. during parade, 4 united states army air corps planes circled overhead. among dignitaries present @ 1:00 p.m. cornerstone-laying event president calvin coolidge, now-chief justice of united states william howard taft, virginia governor elbert lee trinkle, , alexandria mayor smoot. charles h. callahan master of ceremonies, , rt. rev. james edward freeman, bishop of episcopal diocese of washington, provided invocation , benediction. president coolidge laid cornerstone using same trowel washington used on september 18, 1793, lay cornerstone of u.s. capitol building (the trowel owned alexandria-washington lodge). loudspeakers used broadcast speeches of president coolidge , other speakers crowd, , temporary radio station (operated radio station wcap) set on shooter s hill broadcast proceedings nationwide. (both loudspeakers , temporary radio station same president warren g. harding had used during laying of cornerstone lincoln memorial.)

every u.s. state deposited item cornerstone. other items deposited in cornerstone american flag; bronze medal celebrating inauguration of warren g. harding; bronze plaque containing names of architects, consulting architects, landscape architects, engineers, , contractors working on memorial; christian bible; lambskin apron; copy of william joseph williams 1794 portrait of george washington in masonic regalia; several books , pamphlets concerning life of washington , history of freemasonry in america; , names of board of directors , officers of gwmnma. beneath cornerstone container, held several dimes, copies of constitution, copies of declaration of independence, books, , other items.


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