Architecture Basilica of the Holy Trinity (Fátima)

the main altar of basilica weathered cross , virgin mary (immaculate heart of mary) statue.

the view altar of simple seating of basilica.

decoration mysteries of rosary in facade of basilica.

during 2 years of construction, basilica of holy trinity designated geca, grande espaço coberto para assembleias (great covered space assemblies), owing relative importance. due importance, not sanctuary, church , town, architects planners started dialog local authority study best urban solution location. area of avenida d. josé a. c. silva lowered in front sanctuary, , competition introduced urban area pedestrian zone rua s. vicente de paulo , avenida joão xxiii, transforming area boulevard, reducing transit , providing artistic touch subterranean landscape. these change result in transformation of fátima destination pilgrims.

the basilica situated on axis of 2 great roads in fátima: north-south, courtyard , extension south pastoral centre until avenida joão xxiii , east-west, avenida d. josé a.c.silva. church located in southeast corner of sanctuary of fátima.

during analysis , revision of alexandros tombazis s original project, several modifications made. foyer added designated convivium de santo angostinho (banquet of saint augustine) used when geca used congresses, meetings, musical concerts, , small theatrical pieces. in order improve security , easy of access, many of staircases replaced gentle ramps. church s height increased earlier designs make less buried.

although capacity remained unchanged, space 9,000 seated, space handle standing-room crowd rejected since offered uncomfortable conditions users. in end, total of 8,633 seats provided, including 76 spaces people special needs.

the plan of building marked gentle slope, permitting visibility of altar every angle. interior divided 2 sectors, accomplished 2-metre (6.6 ft) partition: first section has seating 3,175 people (in addition 58 spaces handicapped); second has 5,458 spaces (with 18 handicapped). meanwhile, presbytery has capacity 100 celebrants.

the structure include several chapels: chapel of sacred heart of jesus (portuguese: capela sagrado coração de jesus), 16 confessionals; chapel of immaculate heart of mary (portuguese: capela imaculado coração de maria), 12 confessionals; chapel of resurrection of jesus (portuguese: capela da ressurreição de jesus), space 200 , 16 confessionals; chapel of death of jesus (portuguese: capela da morte de jesus), space 600; , chapel of holy sacrament (portuguese: capela santíssimo sacramento), dedicated lausperene, maximum of 200 continuous prayer venerates.

the simple modernist design both functional , iconographic express religiosity. main portico, door of christ brings attention transcendence of god. represents themes of father, son , holy spirit iconic imagery.

upon entering assembly area presbytery @ end of church, large crucifix , large panel in mosaic representing scene apocalypse. of interior decoration, including stations of cross, selected provide representation of internal journey of self-sacrifice. includes reference message of marian apparitions: penitence.


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