Embassy to Gaius Philo

woodcut die schedelsche weltchronik (nuremberg chronicle)

in embassy gaius philo describes diplomatic mission caligula, 1 of few events in life known specifically. relates carrying petition describing sufferings of alexandrian jews , asking emperor secure rights. philo gives description of sufferings, more detailed josephus s, characterize alexandrian greeks aggresors in civil strife had left many jews , greeks dead.

philo lived in era of increasing ethnic tension in alexandria, exacerbated new strictures of imperial rule. expatriate hellenes in alexandria condemned jews supposed alliance rome, rome seeking suppress jewish nationalism in judea. in against flaccus, philo describes situation of jews in egypt, writing numbered not less million , inhabited 2 of 5 districts in alexandria. recounts abuses of prefect flaccus, says retaliated against jews when refused worship caligula god. daniel schwartz surmises given tense background may have been politically convenient philo favor abstract monotheism instead of overt pro-judeanism.

philo considers caligula s plan erect statue of himself in temple of jerusalem provocation, asking, making war upon us, because anticipate not endure such indignity, fight on behalf of our laws, , die in defence of our national customs? cannot possibly have been ignorant of result attempt introduce these innovations respecting our temple. in entire presentation, implicitly supports jewish commitment rebel against emperor rather allow such sacrilege take place.

philo says regarded people having unusual prudence, due age, education, , knowledge. indicates older man @ time (40 ce).

in antiquities of jews, josephus tells of philo s selection alexandrian jewish community principal representative before roman emperor gaius caligula. says philo agreed represent alexandrian jews in regard civil disorder had developed between jews , greeks. josephus tells philo skilled in philosophy, , brother alabarch alexander . according josephus, philo , larger jewish community refused treat emperor god, erect statues in honor of emperor, , build altars , temples emperor. josephus says philo believed god actively supported refusal.

josephus complete comments philo:

there tumult arisen @ alexandria, between jewish inhabitants , greeks; , 3 ambassadors chosen out of each party @ variance, came gaius. 1 of these ambassadors people of alexandria apion, (29) uttered many blasphemies against jews; and, among other things said, charged them neglecting honors belonged caesar; while subject roman empire built altars , temples gaius, , in other regards universally received him received gods, these jews alone thought dishonorable thing them erect statues in honor of him, swear name. many of these severe things said apion, hoped provoke gaius anger @ jews, be. philo, principal of jewish embassage, man eminent on accounts, brother alexander alabarch, (30) , 1 not unskillful in philosophy, ready betake himself make defense against accusations; gaius prohibited him, , bid him begone; in such rage, openly appeared them great mischief. philo being affronted, went out, , said jews him, should of courage, since gaius s words indeed showed anger @ them, in reality had set god against himself.


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